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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Reading The Ball Off The Ball

Reading The Ball Off The Ball

Many of us get it so wrongly.  Many [wrongly] think [until today] that we got to have that 'EYES TO THE BALL' because our whole life revolves around that ball.  They got this absolutely wrong because in life, it constantly revolves even without the ball in proximity.  In NBA basketball jargon, the best bench tacticians are so focused in Reading The Ball Off The Ball because by the time that ball gets right within you, time could be so fleeting, before you know it, it's OVER before you thought it has NOT started yet.  Those are the fatal stories that end up prematurely all in flames because they failed to Read The Ball Off The Ball✅✅✅

In the competitive world of sports, the very core of the trainings zero-in to Read The Ball Off The Ball.  Breaking this colloquialism in the simplest terms, this means that we need to be STEP AHEAD and be able to paint all the possible iterations and scenarios so that whatever scenario happens, you have your scripted action plan.  To be a STEP AHEAD does NOT need gargantuan efforts, if at all.  This is all about being proactive and pre-emptive before thing turn southπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Off the ball means constantly plotting things out WAY BEFORE D-Day comes.  It means plotting an action plan that covers Scenario A, B and even C.  It means planning based on a list of WHAT IFs. And those WHAT IFs must revolve around the pitfalls and risks that may happen ahead of what you expect.  By Reading The Ball Off The Ball, you draw that parallelism to the great chess grandmasters who spend even an hour or more to list each possible iteration and craft a plan of action based on assumptions.  When and if a 1st assumption ends up wrongly, there must be a 2nd set of assumptions, a 3rd set and even a 4th setπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

In the world of soccer sports, 80% of their trainings are designed OFF THE BALLWHY?  Because in the real game, 80% of the time, the soccer player does NOT have the ball.  So, he has to run circles even to test his stamina.  In the grueling NBA games, a player can NEVER be stationary, else the coach can bring you back to the bench to warm things all over again.  start Reading The Ball Off The Ball dude because there's no other way for you to go❗❗❗

Oh yes, this is a given, that indeed, BALL IS LIFE but that's not enough for us to fathom.  We got to extend life before it gets snapped and at best, we need to pre-empt multifarious UNKNOWNS based on KNOWN assumptions. Common lesson here is that life is very IFFFFY and if you end up a step behind unfolding events in life, you could be dead in the water unless you Read The Ball Off The Ball⏳⏳⏳

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