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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur 

No sirrrrrs, I won't veer into unknown territory.  Not even about Schizophrenia which indeed includes manifestations of delusions and hallucinations. To be aligned, let's agree on the definition of delusions which, per se, is defined as that "STRONGLY HELD BELIEFS THAT ARE NOT AMENABLE TO LOGIC OR PERSUASION AND THAT ARE OUT OF KEEPING WITH THEIR HOLDER'S BACKGROUND"πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Frankly though, DELUSIONS are NOT necessarily false or fiction but instead, it is the process by which sometimes, they are arrived at is usually bizarre and illogical.  On the other hand, positive symptoms correspond to the general public's idea of "MADNESS".  The apprehension here is that those with DELUSIONS might evoke FEAR or ANXIETY with others⏳⏳⏳
Surely, everyone of us can bear witness to those DELUSIONS of GRANDEUR.  Like when I was in elementary and high school, I had a classmate who perennially had that DELUSION that he is 'tops' in our class.  When I finally got into the workplace environment, I had a colleague who, despite all the healthy discussions, always insisted he was right because everyone else is NOT, not until he get proven wrongπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Lofty ambitions are NOT that bad.  In fact, they are laudable but what if such DELUSION becomes just sheer illogical and unfathomable?  If you're into a relationship, WHAT IF your DELUSION is that you are the superior one and your partner/spouse is the inferior one whose role in life is to simply kowtow to all yourπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Being overly ambitious is NEVER wrong at all but you got to ensure both your feet are still on the ground.  You got to close to REALITY, to what is FEASIBLE [versus a PIPE DREAM].  I can attest to having witnessed people with all the grandiose plans and lofty goals, which per se, were laudable but what's the probability of success from what I witnessed first hand?  A success rate of less than 1%, if at all.  Lesson for today:  LET US SET GOALS FEASIBLE & REASONABLE enough❗❗❗

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