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Thursday, June 1, 2023



Timeouts and rallies are NOT just all about games and competitive sports.  In life, we hit crossroads when a RALLY is needed but it can only happen if a TIMEOUT gets invoked.  So, Why Does A TIMEOUT QUELL A RALLY?  Simple.  A TIMEOUT is a multi-pronged head animal which offers tons of advantages and only in exchange for you to invoke that TIMEOUT, that's all it takes๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
So, for the uninitiated in the world of competitive sports, when do we need to mount a RALLY?  That's WHEN an opportunity gets slipping away.  That's WHEN the tide has swung over to your foe.  That's WHEN you're starting to play catch-up ball.  That's WHEN your window to win gets narrower.  And to RALLY is as relevant to our life as it is to the competitive world of sports.  Heard of couples who had to go for a 'GETAWAY' from the kids to give their marriage a 'SHOT IN THE ARM'❓❓❓
Why do organizations allocate tons of budget for team building activities?  It is to foster and strengthen the bond amongst its employees.  BUT you might challenge.  Is that gargantuan budget really needed all because of the best intentions to strengthen relationships within and across teams?  The answer here is a SOLID AFFIRMATIVE.  We prefer proactive measures that reactive ones❗❗❗
Admittedly, what we're espousing now runs counter to the adage "WHY FIX THE CAR IF AIN'T BROKEN".  But our retort is this:  When managing relationships. taking a proactive stance will entail lesser efforts [and costs, if applicable] versus being reactive to repair a relationship that is either strained or damaged๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
Whether we're talking of relationships for couples, loved ones, family. at the workplace or even in the business environment, think about being proactive in managing with the relationship cycle.  If you need to INVITE your valued clients for a testimonial event, go for it.  You may fork out $$$$$ now but the dividends and returns will be unquantifiable down the road.  So, Why Does a TIMEOUT QUELL A RALLY?  You know by now✅✅✅

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