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Saturday, June 17, 2023

Are You Parachute-ready?

Are You Parachute-ready?

No sirrrrrrrrrrrs, our thread today is NOT about skydiving and the like.  Instead, it's to ask you if Are You Parachute-ready? In life no one will bother to ask Are You Parachute-ready since more often than not, human nature tells us that to talk about PARACHUTES IN LIFE is nonsense, because it's all a figment of one's imagination.  Oh really?  Much as we should be brimming with optimism, it should not be misplaced just NOT to be pessimistic💎💎💎

Bluntly, 'PARACHUTES' are what we need in life, when we are embroiled with problems, when we are zapped by failures, when we get hit with tragic things NOT least expected, when suddenly a tightly-knit marriage ends in divorce.  We can go on and on, the list of bad tidings can go on and on.  And it's infinity because we DON'T see any visible end to those unexpected turn of events that is way beyond our control📌📌📌

Very much akin to parachutists, in life, we got to fully prepare ourselves the worst possible scenarios, sometimes some scenarios are damn so scary and dreadful.  When our family goes to our annual overseas holidays [not until that pandemic stalled us all at home], I prepared for all possible WHAT IF scenarios.  WHAT IF I lose my wallet, my $$$$$, my credit cards.  Within myself, my WHAT IF scenarios included WHAT IF either my septuagenarian father-in-law falls when we are on holiday overseas⏳⏳⏳

Thanks to our ancient ancestors, our brains are designed to expect the WORST.   When early humans wandering our planet Earth, underestimating what was around the corner [or in those bushes and forest] could be deadly and dreadful.  That explains why the primitive parts of our brains take a 'BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY' approach to those uncertainties, both big and small✅✅✅

Fast-forward today, it might be easier to think of it this way:  our brain is like a smoke detector.  So in our daily life, uncertainties are like smoke.  Your job is to figure out whether the problem is burnt toast, a house on fire, or just a false alarm, then we'll respond accordingly.  In the simplest terms, we all should be prepared for the gloomy days, for the heavy downpours, for the worst things that can turn out its ugly head.  ARE YOU PARACHUTE-READY❓❓❓

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