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Monday, June 12, 2023

Coping With Loneliness, Anyone?

Coping With Loneliness, Anyone?

LONELINESS?  Such a boring thread today you might blurt.  Let me share an extract from the www.statista.com fact sheet:  In the NOV 2022 global survey, 33% [that is 33%, whew❗❗❗] of adults experience feelings of LONELINESS.  So, let's agree that indeed LONELINESS is impacting our global village.  So, it makes sense that today, our thread will be about Coping With Loneliness💎💎💎
BTW, this prevalence of this LONELINESS dilemma should NOT be attributed to the recent pandemic, NOT at all because in fact and in truth, these numbers tapered off during the pandemic [when we were all locked-out at home together with our families].  So, no thanks to the pandemic, LONELINESS is a legitimate issue we need to look deeper.  The U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. VIVEK MURTHY stated that this pervasive dilemma in the U.S. where MORE THAN HALF of Americans are lonely [inclusive of young adults]⏳⏳⏳

Not to unduly blow-out this dilemma because majority of us still live within the urban and metropolitan suburbs but this is the ugly head rearing behind us.  Factor-in social media and we end up with a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde problem because social media goes either way.  Lo and behold, for those wired and connected, they can proclaim 'I CAN LIVE WITH IT' but for the isolated ones, it's kind of pushing them deeper in those trenches📌📌📌

So, regardless whether you're out there in the countryside or within urban areas, we're all in the same boat, dude.  What's our FIX?  First of, RECONNECT.  It's true social media can be toxic BUT hey, you DON'T need to get 'toxicated' right?  If a classmate or teacher from way back sends an FB Friend Request, give it a serious thought [of course you must ASSESS + VALIDATE a request].  Next, let us try to be LESS DISTRACTED.  How often do you look at your phone when someone speaks with you?  For QUALITY, focus on the conversation, give justice where it's due✅✅✅

Hey, while we're egging you to reconnect via social media, do SCALE BACK on social media because Virtual connection is NOT a replacement for IN-PERSON TIME [except if your BFF is 10,000 miles away].  Dr. Murthy says IN-PERSON TIME helps us understand others via the tone of their voice and read their body language.  C'mon, LET'S DO IT,  DON'T belittle LONELINESS❗❗❗

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