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Sunday, July 17, 2022

When You Think You're NOT GOOD ENOUGH

When You Think You're NOT GOOD ENOUGH

Think about it, when we poured everything out, when we gave all what we had, when we exerted all efforts, when we even exhausted all our resources albeit limited and yet we seem to pause and question ourselves when we think that we're NOT GOOD ENOUGH?  Is that just fair and reasonable?  Or are you doing yourself a grave injustice for questioning yourself after you went through?

Yet it is damn true that when you start comparing yourself to every Tom, Dick and Harry, you will never cease to question your performance to date. NOT GOOD ENOUGH  may sometimes be a valid question as long as it is tossed in the correct perspective.  You just DON'T peep and sneak and when you see someone achieving something, you start to worm back and indulge in self-pity.

Instead, why can't you scream and shout that indeed you are GOOD ENOUGH? Despite your lapses and infirmities, you are where you stand right now, and while you may yet be a SUCCESS STORY now, you are on track to achieve that, barring hitting snags.  At that point, DON'T forget to SELF- MOTIVATE yourself.  Your family and BFF's can be your rah-rah team cheering you but you got to motivate yourself more than anyone else.

How to this off?  Bolster your SELF-ESTEEM no less.  That is the 'shot in the arm' you would need.  DON'T let things recede.  DON'T skid.  DON'T retrogress.  DON'T feel inferior.  DON'T undervalue what you have accomplished till to date.  Instead, look at at that half-glass as HALF-FULL instead of being HALF-EMPTY.  Call for a timeout, a ceasefire, so you can reassess things with a balanced fulcrum.

DON'T be like this kitten as well, NOT being appreciative of the food serving.  Imagine if you didn't have any food?  And as you trudge in your life journey, DON'T miss out on having those MILESTONE SUCCESSES.  They may look so small and petty 'FEEL GOOD' stories but you need that to be part of your catalyst.  As you know yourself inside out like the palm of your hands, be creative to KEEP MOTIVATING yourself❗❗❗

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