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Sunday, July 10, 2022

When Things Are In a 'HOLDING PATTERN'

When Things Are In a 'HOLDING PATTERN'

How often have you been in a situation when and where you felt READY and all FIRED UP for something but things were just NOT progressing at all, not even an inch?  Hmmm that doesn't happen often but it does a few times in our life when you end up so befuddled because you seem to be in a state of stupor simply because Things Are In a 'HOLDING PATTERN'.

Remember al these from your past.  You had by then graduated from university and ready to TAKE THE PLUNGE in the job market but one job option after another just fell through.  OR you were ready to TAKE THE PLUNGE by getting married but your fiance/fiancee just seemed to be 'UNREADY' yet? OR you were all ready to launch your business but 'show stoppers' kept popping up over and over again.
Indeed, getting caught in the quagmire of a 'HOLDING PATTERN' is tough to say the least, and there's just no way to overstate that. When this dilemma creeps in, a hell lot of negativities will start to creep in.  Frustration. Exasperation. Disappointment.  Bitterness.  And sometimes, even anger creeps in.  But hey, when that 'HOLDING PATTERN', here's what we should handle it when they universe tells you: ' Hey, you think you're ready but you're NOT, actually'

Let's have an analogy when an arriving flight is caught up in a 'HOLDING PATTERN'.  What happens down below, at the airport, is nothing less than CHAOS and PANDEMONIUM all rolled into one.  Why?  Because people end up so helpless.  They would feel like being in the darkest room ever, clueless of anything to clear things up.

How to handle being in 'HOLDING PATTERN'?  Rather than trying to make it happen, we need to recognize that sometimes we are in that 'HOLDING PATTERN', where we are asked to wait until it's time.  That waiting may feel like fatigue. We got to accept that our physical body just can't move as fast as our minds or as light.  We've got  gather more than enough PATIENCE as our body calibrates to the frequency of the new things we desire.  When you reach that point of realization, you'll be back to your 'cruising altitude' in life❗❗❗

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