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Thursday, July 21, 2022

When Things Get DICEY

 When Things Get DICEY

Good day, folks.  Today's piece should NOT come out as alarming given this barbed wires.  It's more to accentuate where we stand when things get DICEY.  Not often but surely, we all went through that wringer, that DICEY situation of being neither here nor there, those moments when you want to move forward but you're locked from doing it
Oh, I did had those 'DOWN' moments when literally you're DOWN and you want to rise up from the ashes but just CAN'TCAN'T not because you refuse but maybe the circumstances around you inhibit you from doing so.  Indeed, those DICEY moments suddenly freezes everything.

If you're still in school, you could have succumbed to your parents' marching orders that you should take this course and not that course.  But you wanted that but at the same time, you just CAN'T afford to displease your parents.  Or probably at the workplace where your job role is the least you like but you happen to be the family breadwinner.  And that's tough performing tasks you least like [or worst, tasks you abhor and detest].  Or if you're an entrepreneur whose business was so seriously impacted by this 2-year pandemic such that your P&L has been in the RED and yet you just do not have that intestinal fortitude to issue pink slips to your workers as you can't endure their financial hardships.

Of course, even when things get DICEY, as this poster says, you can still TEST YOUR LUCK but will you?  To TEST YOUR LUCK is akin to tossing the coin and that gives you a 50% probability to either PASS or FAIL.  Obviously, if your back is against the wall and there is everything to gain and nothing to lose, then go for it.  But do we really want to get into those DICEY moments? We could avert those DICEY moments, right?  How?  When things are getting awry, when you go off-track, those are the handwritings on the wall that should dictate on you to arrest the skid because that is your LAST CALL❗❗❗

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