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Thursday, July 7, 2022



No sirrrrrs, today's piece is not related to the current oil price conundrum which, as of yesterday, the price per barrel was just a shade below $100.  But instead, what I want to pitch today is all about pressing all GAS and NOT to pull on the BRAKES

Instead, this is all about egging us all that in life, when we set our goals and go for it, let us frame our mindsets to go ALL GAS and NO BRAKES.  So, what does going ALL GAS mean?  Simple.  It means being focused, being ALL-OUT, firing all cylinders at its full throttle.  You might challenge me as you might think this is a no-brainer.  But here's the fact.  At the very least, 50% of us all don't really give it all when we are on something.  We exert efforts just right, just enough.  Likely you heard relationships when a partner is not ALL GAS
So, why is it sometimes our bosses at work or our partner/spouse will express concern that you DON'T have that ALL GAS mindset?  Well, where there is smoke, there is fire and when one gets HALF-HEARTED, what else do you expect? Do you expect the healthiest relationship if all you gave are token efforts and no more than lip service.
Oh, this is my poster for the day.  GIVE UP, GIVE IN or GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT.  Regardless of your endeavor, and be it at the workplace, in your relationship or even in your business, the drivers of either your SUCCESS or FAILURE can be dissected back as to whether you have decided to either GIVE UP, GIVE IN or GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT.  Your fate in life will be shaped as to whether you will opt in for the first option or the last option.  Let's go ALL GAS and NO BRAKES, dude✅✅✅

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