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Monday, July 25, 2022

When Is The Right Time To Pounce

When Is The Right Time To Pounce

No sirrrs, today's piece is NOT about stocks or even about AirBnB.  We're still all preoccupied with life itself, thus asking  When Is The Right Time To Pounce?  Be it grabbing an opportunity, fixing a problem or even coming to terms with your partner/spouse after a serious altercation, it all boils down to the question When Is The Right Time To Pounce?

Obviously, there are sequences pre and post to a given situation.  We pose, we pause before we pounce and in the end, bounce.  WHAT to do WHEN and HOW boils down as to When Is The Right Time To Pounce. In fact and in truth, If your timing is off track, you can never hit pay dirt.  If you're about to ink commercial contracts, it all boils down to timing.

Oh, this poster says a mouthful.  Apparently, it says that the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago.  The second best time is NOW.  What this means, taking the plunge may be the RIGHT TIME to pounce because there is nothing to dig back twenty years ago.  Dilly-dallying and not gathering the courage to take a concrete step and make a decision is a common culprit.  Swing back the pendulum, sometimes, when a move is ill-timed [like when the move was done prematurely], things could go awry as well.  The challenge is figuring out the 'BEST TIME' to make a move that should neither be TOO SOON nor TOO LATE.  Many strategic moves end up as inutile all because of timing.

So, when is the RIGHT TIME the RIGHT TIME?  Take a finance/accounting approach when you list down all the PROs and CONs in a "T" account table. And since not all PROs and CONs are apples-to-apples, you weigh things holistically.  Look at the big picture and that should lead you to take an INFORMED DECISION.  What's the story behind successful businessmen?  They'd say it's their business acumen.  I defer to agree on it.

Even in the midst of gaps and disconnects, if confrontation is inevitable, the impact of such confrontation could end up in totally differing results, no thanks to taking the BEST TIMING.  If there is a wildcard that throws a monkey wrench, it is our human EMOTIONS.  Let it cool off and simmer down because that will be the RIGHT TIME to POUNCE❗❗❗

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