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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

That Rent Is Always Due

That Rent Is Always Due

Oh yeah, we cherish those moments where we were like atop Mount Rushmore after garnering top honors in school, after receiving a coveted plum up the totem pole of the organization.  Or you finally received that sweet 'YES" from the girl you wooed and swooned head over heels.  Or you could be that budding entrepreneur whose first foray into commercial business just skyrocketed with its ceiling [for growth] way up up in the sky.  But never forget "That Rent Is Always Due".
Despite all those string of successes, lest we forget that SUCCESS is only LEASED. It was NOT akin to that land title for a sprawling lot you both in Utah or South Carolina. The problem is any success we win is just very TEMPORARY, it is akin to a LEASE RENTAL and the thing is That Rent Is Always Due.
I hate to piggy-back on this poster but this says it, i.e. that SUCCESS KILLS OUR CREATIVITY.  Well said, in fact. And I have to confide my very own mistakes in my past after I enjoyed the early successes in my life.  I was TOO celebrating.  I was TOO cocky.  I was TOO complacent.  In the fewest words, I was TOO drunk with success. full stop.  And do you wanna ask how did I wake up from my deep slumber?  I had to stumble and fall down to realize I was near 'drainage-level'. 
There's a trap, though, in life.  Do you know what what you did smell, detected and/or savor may NOT be success itself?  Heard about that bragging rights about the carrots story?  Well, you know well who got duped with that farcical success.  Point here is that, every coveted success which we eventually reap is only a LEASE of LIFE that gives us that breathing room to celebrate for a while and after all the kampai's it's GRIND GRIND GRIND.  Why?  Because That Rent Is Always Due.
Not to be biased but sometimes, in the midsts of all your celebratory moments, you end up with people who may be able to BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOU.  Those are the folks who would stick with you with the best intentions, folks who'll stick with you through thick and thin.  And most importantly, be with folks whose feet remain firmly on the ground to remind you when That Rent Is Always Due❗❗❗

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