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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

What Works for Me May NOT Work for YOU

What Works for Me May NOT Work for YOU

Supposedly, a formula that works for one should work for all, right ?  Yes and no.  For mathematical equations, that is very true and correct.  Not for human lives though.  In fact, What Works for Me May NOT Work for YOU and vice-versa.  We could be friends from childhood, going to the same school and taking the same tertiary course and even graduating with the same degree but that's where the commonalities should end.  From that point onwards, each person has to plot each one's path for that lifetime of a journey.  BTW, 'copying of answers' is a no-no even if you want to, simply because What Works for Me May NOT Work for YOU.  And things can never be farther from the truth in that case.

We can have twins in real life or soulmates who have trekked identical paths through the years but at some point, both will have to get to those crossroads, as there will be a "Y" road that splits up in two different directions and each one has to decide as to which path is best for him/her.  If one or the other tries to 'copy answers' and blindly toes the line and still chooses the path another person takes, he could end up a casualty along the way, a fallout to be frank about it.  In real life, I've witnessed on a first-person account, people who wanted to cling to another one's journey UNCONDITIONALLY for that matter.  And what's the typical end of the story.  At lease one of the two would end up down deep in the pit.

In our life, we could find three BFF's but at some point, they have to trek separate paths because we are all destined to go and take that unique path.  Never force a square peg in a round hole.  It doesn't work that way.  Even in our relationships, you could be the introvert type while your partner is an extrovert.  In that case, never impose and force your partner to be an introvert because that won't work either.

Even trees next to each other will have to find their way to grow despite the fact that they may all trace back to the same roots. Bottom-line is we need to reach that point where we have to accept that we have our own UNIQUE PATH in life.  How ?  By FIGURING OUT WHAT'S UNIQUE for YOU.  When you're focused on conforming to the expectations of others in order to please, you will LOSE SIGHT of your OWN VALUES and what's unique for you.
LETTING GO the VALUE and EXPECTATIONS of OTHERS is a must-do.  Who knows, you may have unconsciously internalized the desires of either your parent, someone you admire or even the local culture.  Once you begin the process of embracing yourself, you'll begin to realize that you may have been on somebody's else path for years.  Oh, WORRY LESS ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK OF YOU, that won't help❗❗❗

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