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Friday, November 19, 2021

Not This Time to Play 'HARDBALL'

Not This Time to Play 'HARDBALL'

Who claims that anytime we can Play 'HARDBALL' ?  Me thinks, that should be an outlier rather than a default.  'Playing hardball' means we tend to become hard-nosed and inflexible to the extent of standing our ground in an obstinate and stubborn manner.  More often, though, we tend to stand on our ground NOT BECAUSE we are cocksure of our reasons but rather it happens when there's a trigger.

Before we look and turn elsewhere, let us see if there are tell-tale signs that we're that STUBBORN and OBSTINATE:  Do you keep on insisting on something EVEN IF you're aware that you're wrong ?  Do you still push to do something EVEN IF no one else wants it ?  When others present an idea, are you so vocal to rattle off all the reasons why IT WON'T WORK

Do you feel frustrated or worse, angry, when others will persuade you on something you don't agree ?  And worst of all, do you tend to agree or commit halfheartedly to others' requests when you know all along that you are going to do something entirely different ? The thing is, STUBBORNESS is the ugly side of perseverance.  

Those who exhibit this attribute cling to the notion that they're passionate, decisive and full of conviction and able to stand your ground.  Being stubborn isn't always a bad thing but if you're standing your ground for the wrong reasons, are you really doing the right thing ?  So how do we make sure our holding the ground doesn't get into the way ?  SEEK TO UNDERSTAND.  
Simply put, try listening to the other person rather than automatically shutting down the conversation by seeking to understand the idea and rationale behind it.  BE OPEN TO POSSIBILITIES.  Overly stubborn people often believe that there is only one viable course of action and as a result, they remain solidly staunched in their positions.  ADMIT WHEN YOU'RE WRONG.  Being convinced that you're right is one thing.  Own up to your error and mistakes and hold yourself accountable for your decisions and actions. Let's DUMP our PRIDE into the thrash bin ❗❗❗

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