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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Reap What You Sow

Reap What You Sow

This is not an agricultural piece.  But instead, this is all about our lives, everything we plant and sow which we eventually reap and harvest. Admittedly, this is a bit biblical because as per the bible, it is something that humanity can relate to.  The practice of working the ground to gain a harvest is nearly as old as humanity itself.  Part of Adam's curse was that the ground would bring forth thorns and thistles.  While there is the real spiritual principle at work that, if we sow bad things, we will reap bad things.  In real life, it's been this way, we always REAP WHAT WE SOW.

This 'REAP WHAT YOU SOW' holds true both positively and negatively.  That verse summarizes the principle well.  When we are selfish, proud, unjust, sinful and trusting in our own ability or worth to save us, we are 'sowing the flesh' and destruction awaits.  When we are selfless, generous, kind and depending on the provision that indeed we are 'sowing' and will reap eternal life.  The thing is, the type of seed you sow determines the type of harvest you'll reap.  
Even when things may appear to be going poorly and it doesn't look like you'll ever reap a good harvest, the principle of sowing and reaping remains true.  If you sow for yourself righteousness, then you will reap the fruit of unfailing love.  You may have to wait a bit to reap that harvest.  In fact, you may need to wait a longer time for a harvest.  So, in life, there is just no timeline but that does not deprive us to plant and sow 

We heard this often times: "DON'T JUDGE EACH DAY BY THE HARVEST YOU REAP BUT BY THE SEEDS THAT YOU PLANT".  Going through all these, patience comes into the picture again.  If we have worked with kids or plants, we know that PATIENCE is a vital part of getting anything done.  We just can't hurry the growth of the plants.  The most we can do is to nurture the plants, provide them with what they need.  Swinging back into our lives, let's revisit the formative years when we are about to set the foundation of our lives.

Applying patience in our life has always been a virtue.  But like any virtue, we can either have too much or too little of it.  Too little may be quite rash, too much is sloth.  As patience is always a long-term approach, there are one too many things to do.  There is always pruning, teaching, a thousand minor adjustments going on as you work towards harvest.  How do we stay patient then ?  We should do it by imagining where the seeds we plant will take them.  Whether it's nurturing a child or sending a colleague to a training, think of what that seed will do for them.  ENJOY PLANTING and KEEP YOUR PATIENCE✅✅✅

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