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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Water CAN'T Rise Higher Than it's Source

Water CAN'T Rise Higher Than it's Source

Water CAN'T Rise Higher Than it's Source.  Oh, is this a boring piece for today ?  I don't think so because we can drill down on this topic quite lengthily as this has been part of the equations we're all facing during this long-drawn pandemic.  A lot of our needs in life now do hinge on the efforts we pour in to address a need, to fix a problem, to focus on an improvement.

But to piggy-back on this one-liner, that is, Water CAN'T Rise Higher Than it's Source, this picture speaks volumes.  And when we do a mapping of this picture into our lives, let's revisit the challenges we faced in life.  If you're a student, you have your own set of challenges.  If you're a working professional, you're in for a ride as well. If you're into a relationship, your relationship with your spouse/partner and immediate family should have those needs for mending along the way.  If you're running your business, surely at various points in time, you had to fix your relationship either with your business partners, suppliers or even clients.  But the biggest question looming behind us is how long does it take us to fix our challenges?

Oh my apologies, I won''t buy on what this poster says because to me, WHAT YOU SEE is WHAT YOU GET.  The fact that you have a problem at hand behooves you to fix it no less.  Face your problems and fix it.  Remember that Water CAN'T Rise Higher Than it's Source so as to how swift and how effective are you in fixing a problem will heavily hinge on the tons of effort you put.

The TRUTH and the FACT is that at the end of the day, what matters most is RESULTS, period. And the RESULTS are correlational to the efforts we put on, the efforts we invest to fix an issue.  Studies have supported results which confirm that 99% of the RESULTS depend on EFFORTS.  Shave off from your efforts, expect less solid results.  if at all, you might end up with a palliative, a 'band aid' solution no less.

The thing is, problems deserve the amount of TIME+EFFORT we can commit to fix it.  Oh my attention got caught by this simple poster because its message is short and sharp:  PONDER OVER YOUR PROBLEM. AVOIDING a problem ?  RUNNING AWAY from a problem ?  IGNORING a problem ?  These are the most common pitfalls why problems persist.  Lest we forget, Water CAN'T Rise Higher Than it's Source❗❗❗

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