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Monday, November 8, 2021

Criticism Stings, Praise Lingers

Criticism Stings, Praise Lingers

Indeed, this is a study in contrast.  CRITICISM versus PRAISE.  Indeed, CRITICISM STINGS like an open wound whereas PRAISE LINGERS like the scents of perfume.  And just as we welcome and embrace praises that come into our way, the last thing we ever want to hear are criticisms [especially since 99% of criticisms are unsolicited anyway].  And that's just human nature but are we aware that a big percentage of us got LOST along the way because their subalterns and cordon sanitaire would let him hear and see NO criticism at all but instead, they will just let him hear all the hossanah because that's the MUSIC to his ears.
The old school of thought always taught us that PRAISE is what we need because that will boost and motivate us no end, which is true indeed but how often did we hear stories wherein one got so 'intoxicated' with all the HOSSANAHs sang for him such that, from that time onwards, he refuses to open his eardrums for any criticism, no matter how objective and constructive it may be.
The rule of esteem recognizes that all humans need and want praise as this is man's deepest craving.  We know how a simple THANK YOU can make our day.  We need affection to satisfy the need to belong, we want praise so we can feel admired and we need it to satisfy our need for personal worth.  
And here comes CRITICISM.  As Oscar Wilde said, criticism tells you more about the psychology of the critic than the people he or she criticizes.  Per se, CRITICISM is confirmed to be destructive when it is about personality or character, when it is filled with blame, when it is not focused on improvement, when it is based on only one 'right way' and ends up belittling.
What's the lesson we can pick up here ?  While we all want PRAISE, what will redound to our benefit are valid, objective and constructive CRITICISM.  Those are the WAKE-UP calls that should literally wake us up, for us to change, for us to improve, for us to shape up, for us to challenge ourselves.  At the end of the day, it is only ourselves who can be the catalyst for us to improve from where we are now.  As long as the criticism is valid, objective and constructive, those are the triggers for us to SHAPE UP❗❗❗

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