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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Play On Your STRENGTHs

Play On Your STRENGTHs

Many times in our lives, we tend to play with a handicap, starting off at a disadvantage and what happens next is for anyone to safely guess that in the end, the protagonist, which could be YOU, will end up failing.  What's the common denominator of most of our FAILING moments ?  Very likely, it's because the losing protagonist was playing on his weaknesses, instead on Playing on one's STRENGTHs.

Knowing one's weaknesses is just perfectly fine but if you start to hinge on those weaknesses, then you will end up disadvantaged most of the times,  Instead, I have witnessed winners who did rack up after success ? Their proven formula ?  It's playing on one's STRENGTHs, period.  How have those chess super grandmasters rack wins after wins ?  It's because they playing on their STRENGTHs.  In the NBA, if a team is at a disadvantage in height, they don't play the low post.

But how do we figure out our strengths then ?  Oh well, there are two criteria namelu, you must be GOOD AT IT and you ENJOY doing it. Once you identify the common denominator of those criteria, then you can figure out what are your strengths and most importantly, you should be playing on your STRENGTHs.

Indeed, once you're able to playing on your STRENGTHs, you can strategize to figure out your STRENGTHs so you ca best leverage on your strength.  We have to remember that it's only natural to struggle with receiving negative feedback From today's blog , will then imply that your team's structure is Ready to go, Remember, most feedback accentuate the NEGATIVE.  
Over into our real-life scenariosstudies have shown that people remember four negative memories for every positive one.  However, the paradox of human psychology shows that while people remember criticism, they respond to praise.  The former makes them defensive and unlikely to change while the latter produces confidence and the desire to perform better.  What these all tell us is that playing on your STRENGTHs should always be our approach in life because that's where likely you will excel and succeed✅✅✅

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