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Monday, November 29, 2021

Are You in the 'MIX OF THINGS'

Are You in the 'MIX OF THINGS'

There's this very old one-liner which says 'MANY ARE CALLED BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN'.  But hey, that's from the old-old school of thought.  In our recent generations [whether you're tracing yourself all the way back to the Baby Boomers, Gen X. Millennials and Gen Z], the truth of the matter is that no one is called upon anymore.  But instead, for you to be in the 'MIX of THINGS', you got to worm your way till you're IN then wiggle it out till you're OUT.  Now, the mother of all questions that seem perplexing is WHY do we need to be in the 'MIX of THINGS' ?  Simple folks. You got to be within the visibility distance, within striking distance for you to be in the 'MIX of THINGS'.

Why do we need to be in the 'MIX of THINGS' ?  Simple.  We need every opportunity along our way.  Imagine a landscape with nary any opportunity, what will be left of you.  Nothing. Nada.  Zilch.  But the intriguing piece here is the question why some of us tend to have this and that opportunity Day-IN Day-OUT whereas some of us keep scouring the ground for one ?

Regardless whether you are a student, a worker, an entrepreneur or someone in a relationship, how can you be in the 'MIX of THINGS' ?  As a student in the academe. SHOW YOUR WARES.  At work, FLAUNT YOUR WARES.  In business, SPLASH YOUR WARES.  In a relationship, you got to GIVE IT ALL.
Oh, how did that goldfish eke itself out of the bowl just to be in the 'MIX of THINGS' ?  It's all time that matters.  If you let time go past you, there's no way you can recoup for LOST TIME because that opportunity that slipped is simply put, OPPORTUNITY LOST.
In school, for your professors to put you up in the pedestal for honors, long way back, you should have asserted yourself for you to be in the 'MIX of THINGS'.  At work, you don't show your flair when a new job role arises.  You got to invest in TIME + EFFORTS long way before an opportunity arises for you to be in those 'MIX of THINGS'.  In a relationship, for you to keep things burning with your partner, you just gotta spoil your partner for you to be in the 'MIX of THINGS'.  Let's not be a cellar dweller, dude❗❗❗

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