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Monday, January 6, 2025

Surprising Psychology Trivia

Surprising Psychology Trivia

I have always considered myself a novice in the field of Psychology BUT that has NOT stopped me from peeking into it, out of sheet curiosity.  And since I DON'T intend to develop my knowledge at the SME-level, allow me to share some of these Surprising Psychology Trivia because as much as it is at the trivia-level, these are FUN FACTs that as relevant as ever in our daily grinds [EVEN if I DON'T get the buy-in for some of these trivia]πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

  • DO you know that turning down the car music makes sense because your mind CAN'T focus on two things same time
  • DO you know that if you announce your goals to others, you're likely LESS to succeed.  Scary but studies proved this because you lose your motivation
  • DO you know the type of music you listen affects the way you perceive the world
And this is a FUNNY FUN FACT, that people who easily blush are considered more trustworthy, generous, and virtuous compared to those WHO either DON'T.  Oh oh, suddenly I realized I hardly blush [BUT hey hey hey, because my complexion is only lighter than the typical Timor-Leste machete-armed native].  

And here's another Psychology FACT.  Me, you, us, we CAN'T multitask !!!!  And I am a firm believer of this FACT very much long time when even IBM and giant OEM began architecting the high-end mainframe machines to computing capacities they equated to MPP's [massive parallel processors] when in truth in fact, what they architected was 'MULTI-THREADING' which, simply put, it sequenced each of the processor tasks, speeding up the computing process but akin to our human capacities, as Psychology tells us, we CAN'T multitask!!!!
And this Psychologist FACT is kind of scary, that BEING ALONE FOR LONG PERIODS IS AS BAD AS SMOKING.  And psychology experts go farther by sharing the fact that lonely people are 50% MORE likely and MORE prone to die prematurely than those with healthy social connections.  It's because loneliness reduces immunity and therefore increases the risk of diseases.  It even increases inflammation of the bodyπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Our takeaway:  Believe it OR not, our health is at the receiving end, whether we accept this as gospel truth OR not.  Take that inflammation risk our body might suffer which is even compared at the same level, if NOT worse, than the risks of smoking which would lead to heart disease and other chronic health diseases.  Mother of all fears, being lonely also leads to stress affecting us emotionally and mentally.  WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE, dudeπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

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