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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Listening Does NOT Mean Agreeing

Listening Does NOT Mean Agreeing

Just the other day, the revered late Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was given the memorial services  befitting his stature and all the living former U.S. Presidents were all in attendance.  For the curious ones, in the videos, we would see Former President Barack Obama seated next to incoming President Donald Trump.  And everyone in geo-politics know well the animosity between them from way back.  Yet, in all the footages, they seemed to get along fine during the memorial services.  They even looked like closely knit allies through the decades.  In the footage, we can see Trump seemingly cracking a joke and Obama laughed and whispered something back to him.  That made news, not just in CNN.  YES, some read those moments as hypocritical OR even sinister in some way.  BUT those moments are telling us something else.  THAT regardless, Listening Does NOT Mean AgreeingπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

A more positive perspective is that basic humanity does transcend politics, WHICH is actually refreshing to hear considering that almost every talking point now gets sensationalized to score 'internet points'.  YES it's normal to be cordial toward your seatmate in a funeral and it SHOULDN't be an issue❎❎❎

True, funerals are reminders that, no matter WHO you're dunking on today, NO matter WHAT the power OR money you won OR lost, our time here is indeed short and most of this will eventually be forgotten.  In our daily lives, there will be days WHEN someone keeps on talking and you just CAN'T agree.  BUT unless you are flagged down to give your on-the-spot reaction, you can reserve your frank words at the right moment.  I've been through that, listening to someone I just CAN'T stand but listening does NOT equate to agreeing.  That very basic distinction should draw the line and reduce any blurred ones because in the past, I heard frank reactions like, WHY SHOULD I LISTEN WHEN I DON'T AGREE WITH HIS STATEMENTSπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Through the years, I realized that one of the things that stops us from truly LISTENING to the other person is that FEAR that LISTENING might indicate that we agree with WHAT they are saying [BUT that's NOT the case though].  WHAT if we DON'T agree?  Should we NOT start making our case right from the very first sentence we heard?  Does silence NOT mean assent?  NOT really so, dude.  Hear me out though😌😌😌

Our takeaway:  LISTENING to and agreeing with are two different processes.  And in between the two lies a third one, that is, UNDERSTANDING.  WHEN someone is sharing their experience, their feelings OR even their own thoughts, there is really NOTHING to agree to OR disagree with.  The experience, the feelings and the thoughts belong to the person WHO is having and sharing them.  YES dude, LISTENING DOES NOT MEAN AGREEING, seriously❗❗❗

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