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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Does LESS Mean MORE?

Does LESS Mean MORE?

Does LESS Mean MORE?  Absolutely.  Setting aside semantics, having LESS in life can indeed bring us MORE in terms of outcome and output.  Heard of this workplace scenario where a colleague suddenly goes on unplanned leave due to emergency circumstances?  Heard of the sole proprietor WHO had to roll up his sleeves because of the unexpected sudden surge of volumes of retail consumers?  Heard of the Red Cross organizations who, with meager funds, managed to 'spread its wings' to help finance typhoon victims???

From the running numbers of our bank balance, to the amount of followers we have on social media, it has become the norm to base our happiness around our egos, our monetary gains [WHO DOESN'T love $$$$$$], OR the attainment of titles and material things.  True, monies can present us with opportunities to be happy BUT sometimes our priorities are led astray by appropriated desires and distractions from our over-hyped-advertised reality❎❎❎

Hey hey hey, can we forget about wanting MORE because in real-life experiences [YES, I can attest to this], you end up getting LESS.  NBA player Caleb Martin is a very recent classic example of hoping for MORE but ending up with considerably LESS.  Miami Heat, his NBA ballclub then, tendered him a $65 Million offer.  Hoping for MORE, he turned it down.  Fast-forward, he ended up signing with Philadelphia 76ers for a $32 Million contract. Ouchhhhh.  Truth is, our current generation of 20-somethings is squandering our happiness. all in the name of consumerism WHEN in fact we should be expanding way beyond our own materialistic comforts๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Instead, we need to STOP squandering our hard-earned monies and start redirecting it into bettering our own lives.  TRUE, we are always encouraged NOT to take risks [no thanks to the conservative environment we were reared by our forefathers and even parents].  BUT really, should we always strive for the SAFEST option available to us?  REALLY?  Something to ponder about these days❗❗❗
Our takeaway:  True, we would hear those cautionary tales of homelessness and despair even as we are guided towards a reliable and secure future [preached long time ago by the elders of our society].  BUT hey hey hey, do we agree that to find TRUE HAPPINESS, you have to travel way beyond your own comfort zone???

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