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Thursday, December 9, 2021

When Man Fails the Tests

When Man Fails the Tests

It's not everyday we go through all kinds of tests in life but when we do go through the rigors in life, the question is, what is our batting average ?  When Man Fails the Tests, what are the ramifications and consequences in life ?  Obviously, that varies but that's not the point though.

A big chunk of those tests though need no more than what is logical and/or practical.  Many of us [yes sirs that includes me in the past] tend to find a scapegoat to cover up our shortfalls and we never stop to blame the left, the right and practically every Tom, Dick and Harry.  If you're a student, failing tests does not mean failing academic tests.  Your academic professor can be testing your attitude when he/she tossed up a need for volunteers [but you KEPT MUM ?].  At work, you may have a colleague who needs to take an emergency leave so someone needs to backfill [but DID YOU VOLUNTEER ?].  

Despite the many 'tests in life', the ultimate tests we need to handle with aplomb are tests related to our relationship with our partner, our loved ones.  Your partner may have indirectly mention that he/she feels to have neglected him/herself but how was it ?  Did you react, if at all? Or did you life instantly become deaf and mute that moment ? Or in business. your new-found customer tested your mettle by requesting a small-small add-on in the toppings [but did you instantly react by saying THAT THAT REQUEST costs $$$$] ?

BTW, when you fail a test in life, what is it really you did fail ?  It could have costs you some things money can't compensate.  You could have lost the CONFIDENCE in you by your academic professor.  Or the TRUST in you by your partner/spouse.  Or the FAITH in you by your boss at work.  Or the GOODWILL you previously earned from your customers. Or you could have lost a fair mix of all those, all rolled into one.

But things do happen.  And they happen for a reason. But when this poster says KEEP CALM, why do we think it is encouraging our calmness ?  It's all damage control, folks.  During those moments when failed the tests, you could be on the verge on giving up, even on yourself.  But what do we gain to KEEP CALM ?  It's simply because we need to get back on track.  Think of those trains that get derailed and go off-track ?  They all got to be back on track.  In life, we do make mistakes.  And we do fail some tests.  But what matters is how quick and swift can we be back into motion.  Word of caution:  be prepared to exert double the efforts to REGAIN the CONFIDENCE, FAITH, GOODWILL and TRUST.  Regaining all these losses require that much efforts all over again.  Trust me✅✅✅

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