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Saturday, December 18, 2021

The MOST DIFFICULT Point in Our Life

The MOST DIFFICULT Point in Our Life

Setting aside our day-to-day problems [which will never end BTW], what has been your MOST DIFFICULT Point in Our Life ?  Regardless whether you are just starting your academic life or you have now started to carve a niche in your career life or whether you are contemplating to settle down for good or you're contemplating to become an entrepreneur and run your own show,what could be your MOST DIFFICULT Point in Our Life 

It may be difficult to admit it but we got to accept what's probably hounding us throughout our life, that moment when you have a firm plan and you are at the precipice to take the first step towards a concrete goal or plan.  True, either way it is a scary place to be when you aren't sure what the future holds.  Hurdling that crucial point and moving your first foot forward will always be the MOST DIFFICULT Point in Our Life
But hey, noting is more consistent in life than endings and beginnings, and when you embrace that reality, starting over does not seem so daunting.  On a personal note, I'll humbly admit that when I put into action my plan to migrate to another country, I turned upside down the supposed MOST DIFFICULT Point in My Life by turning it as one of my best milestone success to date.
This poster is 'spot on'.  That is, your first step forward does NOT take you to where you want to go.  BUT here's the big BUT.  It does take you out of where you are NOW.  Isn't that a positive note to start with ?  Extricating you from that foxhole.  Rescuing you from that quagmire you were stuck to.  If you've decided to take the risk of migrating to a country new to you, that doesn't guarantee you that you will become an immigrant but that sets you forward towards achieving that goal.
If you're now in a state of stupor because you're struggling whether to push through with your first step or not, it does NOT matter if what you're about to take is NOT yet a quantum leap.  I'd etch on stone my declarative statement that your first step forward brings you one step closer to your goal.  So, do gather that gumption to overcome that MOST DIFFICULT Point in My Life and it has to be NOW, dude❗❗❗

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