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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Be Wary of Shortcuts

Be Wary of Shortcuts

We all love shortcuts, don't we ?  It save time and probably effort and even money.  But is that true of all shortcuts in life ?  No sirrrrrs, a log of us either failed or at least stumbled down because of shortcuts. And who is to be faulted for those stumbles ?  Don't blame the shortcuts because they never sold themselves to you but instead, you leveraged and stretched them out thinking that they will solve you a big chunk of time, effort and even monies.  This is the irony.  We seem to easily succumb to the shortcuts in life simply by word of mouth.  Why do we easily fall prey to many purported shortcuts in life ?  Be Wary of Shortcuts

The mother of all ironies is that no one is hard-selling us to go for shortcuts.  It's human nature to fall prey to shortcuts even if no one has proven that indeed those shortcuts do work.  Shortcuts in school work.  Shortcuts at work.  Shortcuts in one's relationship[s].  Shortcuts in the business you're running.  What is the common denominator of all those foul-ups ?  We were either misguided or misinformed that that particular shortcut really works when it has hardly been proven.

You might throw the kitchen sink to me and ask as to why there are shortcuts in all the apps we have in our devices?  Oh let me clear the mix up before things get so blurred.  The shortcut in an app is obviously confirmed to be functional 'cos that's part of the apps and solution.  But that is not the case in our lives.  And what is the most common road wrongly taken by most of us ?  It is that road that supposedly leads to our goals, to our success.

And I have to pity many of us who got caught in the quagmire because of the supposed shortcuts in life.  That SHORTCUT to BIG BUCKS.  That SHORTCUT to SUCCESS.  That SHORTCUT to a TOP CAREER.  That SHORTCUT to the most ideal relationship.  That SHORTCUT to be an IMMIGRANT.  True, many do succeed but more than 90% fail.  Why ?  They get lured by offers simply because they are blinded by offers to be an immigrant in a western country.  They end up duped by money-driven tricksters and defrauders.

If there are NO SHORTCUTS, what do we have then ?  Only SURE CUTS, as my brother coined this long time back.  And I admit I took the SURE CUT when I did hurdle my school deliverables.  I did take the SURE CUT with the end view of becoming an immigrant [which I did become until I became a naturalized citizen of my adoptive country].  I did take the SURE CUT in my relationships as well as I did bide my time until I was sure of things.  And I did take the SURE CUT till I realized that the company I've been working with for close to eleven years now will likely be the company I'll eventually retire✅✅✅

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