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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Apple Does NOT Fall Far From the Tree

The Apple Does NOT Fall Far From the Tree

You don't need to have a green thumb to agree that the Apple Does NOT Fall Far From the Tree at all.  The fallout is as simple and straightforward as a straight line.  There is even no outliier in these cases because the trajectory never varies based on the gravitational force.  Such are opportunities in life as well.  Opportunities that are up for grabs don't need a drone or any other devices for you to drill-down on such opportunities as they are right there around you, within your periphery.  

Indeed, what explains why opportunities, like apples, cannot really fall far from the tree ?  This is a no-brainer.  If you're in the Americas Region, do you think an opportunity in Europe will suddenly pop for you ?  Let us take a cue from entrepreneurs.  They do not even wait for the APPLE TO FALL, not at all.  Instead, they even become the trigger or catalyst to CREATE AN OPPORTUNITY [effectively from nowhere].  And this is quite puzzling but this is indeed true.

So, if opportunities cannot just abound from afar and if indeed we can create opportunities like entrepreneurs, where's the beef ?  C'mon.  Entrepreneurs were tagged really as entrepreneurs because for them, an opportunity can all start as a seed that gets planted.  And how do we plan those seeds of opportunities ?  IDEAS IDEAS IDEAS. And I can attest that in the past, I finally had those opportunities because it all started as an IDEA

So, that's how things started for many of those opportunities I did grab in the past.  It started with a raw, untested and unproven idea.  Then I started to iterate it, validate it until it was bullet proof-ready for me to grab.  Had I sat on the ground and waited, those opportunities would not have come, that I can be sure of.  But how can IDEAS germinate to become a full-blown opportunity ?  VALIDATE if that idea will be feasible, in the first place.  If it is, proceed to PLANT that SEED on the right ground, with the appropriate sunlight it needs [remember, some seeds will not survive when exposed to the sub].
Once that seed lives past its survival stage, nurture it till it matures enough, in time for your picking.  Thinking of those opportunities like LOTTO ?  Forget it.  Your life will be doomed if your life will hinge on LOTTO.  Enough of that LOTTO mindset.  Bluntly, it's time for us to realize that, IN LIFE, there is NO FREE LUNCH.  We got to earn for it, dude✅✅✅

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