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Wednesday, December 8, 2021



How often do we hear that WHEN IT IS ENOUGH, INDEED IT IS ENOUGH ?  Many times probably. And that's bad because that means many of us are getting it all wrong when just because things are ENOUGH, then that should be ENOUGH and that would be acceptable? So do we now know why quite often, we see people 'stuck in the mud?  Fairly simple.  It's because many of us all get so enamored by the old adage "WHY FIX THE CAR IF IT AIN'T BROKE" ?  But hey, that is not an apples-to-apples thing because cars are not akin to life and vice-versa.  When we talk about life, we don't even wait for us to get broke in life, right ?

Who feels secure within the comfort zone?  Obviously everyone does.  But the bigger question is, will you accept things hook, line and sinker just because you're still in that comfort zone ?  Quite often, that comfort zone may, literally speaking, offer that 'comfort' to us but does that lead us to the path towards achieving success ?  May not necessarily be true in most cases.

Oh, I love this cute poster not because it is minimalist but because it speaks volumes!  And isn't this true enough ?  Many of us would cling to our favorite 'sorry' moments over and over again.  But hey, how come you still end up with that deja vu feeling ?  Hmmmm, it's because we keep saying sorry instead of CHANGING OURSELVES.  Did that hit the bullseye ?

And what's the mother of all culprits ?  It's our tendency to cling to the STATUS QUO.  For many of us [including me in the past], the STATUS QUO is my safest haven.  Not until I realized that I was 'stuck in the mud'.  But you can play devil's advocate and ask "WHAT IS IT IN IT' for us to get out of the STATUS QUO ?  Plenty.  A lot  Too many reasons but I'd like to zero-in on OPPORTUNITIES.  Frankly, are we still nursing hopes for OPPORTUNITIES during the STATUS QUO ?  No Senor.  No way Jose.  We must be day-dreaming to hope for OPPORTUNITIES when you refused to leave the STATUS QUO and go beyond it.
As a first-person testimonial, I hate to say this as I am hesitant to beat my chest but if I may admit, I would not be what I am if many years back, I didn't leave my comfort zone, I didn't take risks, I didn't decide to take the huge, big, quantum leap where, had I failed, I would have suffered quite a setback.  Lo and behold, I was fortunate to convince myself that JUST ENOUGH is NOT REALLY ENOUGH❗❗❗

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