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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Confidence Matters

Confidence Matters

Few days back, I was into my remote work when my wife egged me to watch the final round of the most recent Miss Universe Pageant.  And with no effort, I obliged because finally the 80+ candidates will be whittled down to the Final Five.  And historically, the way they handle the Q & A will dictate who responds 'with flourish' will go up to the Top 3 favorites. To cut the long story short, our preferred candidate in that Top Five to go up to the Top 3 didn't make it. Why ? Me thinks that indeed Confidence Matters and at that juncture of the Q & A, she was quite fidgety and despite even her smile betrayed the veneer of peace she exuded.

Indeed, Confidence Matters and it can lead you to new heights you haven't reached yet in life.  Admittedly, I didn't have that confidence way back my grade school days but when I moved up to high school, with me getting squeezed by our school's cream of crop, I had to push myself more than just hard enough.

Let us not get in a hard-sell on this.  Confidence Matters simply because confidence will lead you up to new heights.  And even if you're in a crowd, the likelihood is that you will stand out from that crowd if your confidence will be there to push you much harder and farther.  Being part of the mainstream is just not enough.

Assuming our confidence level right now is somewhere at the cellar, REPROGRAM yourself.  What it means is you need to convince yourself that you can accomplish a thing and that will exponentially increase your odds of obtaining what you desire.  SET A GOAL and GO for IT.  That's crystal clear enough.  GET FIT.  Simply put, unless you're healthy, your confidence will go nowhere.  PRACTICE GRATITUDE.  When you express it, that will boost how you feel about yourself.  

GET OUT of your COMFORT ZONE.  Force yourself out of your comfort zone, your CONFIDENCE will shoot up dramatically, promise.  Lastly, EMBRACE SPONTANEITY.  Once we force ourselves to be spontaneous, we stretch ourselves, allowing ourselves to be open to potential discomfort and the uncertainty of the unknown.  Being spontaneous exposes us to scenarios where we don't have a script easy enough to rely on.  As such,  SPONTANEITY FORCES US TO ADAPT.  Let's pick up the pieces folks. Don't forget though that CONFIDENCE is ONLY A PART OF THE RECIPE, that's not the only recipe✅✅✅

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