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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Get All the Ducks in a Row First

Get All the Ducks in a Row First

Get All the Ducks in a Row First.  Ok Ok Ok I agree this is indeed a very idiomatic expression so, for us to be on the same page.  Simply put, this tells us to ORGANIZE OUR TASKS and SCHEDULES to make you ready for the next step, next move, next phase.  With all humility, I'd admit that I have deeply embedded this as part of my self-discipline way before I execute a plan, whether it is a project or operational plan at work or personal/family plans, e.g. holiday travels, planned medical procedures, amongst others.
Oh well, what could be the outcomes when you don't GET ALL THE DUCKS IN A ROW first ? Oh my, the possible outcomes would be any combination of nightmares but in the briefest one-word adjectives for those outcomes, it could equate to a mix up, a foul-up, a failure, a flop, a disaster.
Let's a real-life sampling in aa family-of-5 going for an overseas holiday that coincides with the business trip of the hubby.  And if you want to combine both, all rolled into one.  Can it be that simple ?  With all travel bookings exactly with identical ETDs & ETAs? And how's the hotel bookings ?  And when do the sightseeing tours get squeeze considering the hubby will be on business engagements?
When I was at my planning phase to kickstart my planned immigration to another country two decades back, things were not just complex enough as it was even compound-complex, whew !  Besides planning meticulously and in precise detail, I had to make a few assumptions that had to be etched on stone, e.g. this is my total budget while temporarily billeted in a hotel, this this is my budget enough to sustain me on an assumption that I will finally get a job and get my first check after 'XXX' days/weeks/months from arrival.                     
And right on my front seat, I bear witness to numerous TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE FLOPS not because of a streak of bad luck and force majeure but simply because people didn't 
Get All the Ducks in a Row First.  In the midst of the pandemic, someone was virtually tendered a job offer and pronto, he signed on the dotted line.  The catch ?  He had yet to renew his passport, whew.  So, that job offer died a natural death.  Another sampling here.  He got so tied up for the passport processes of his wife and baby.  Presto, they got hold of their passports but here's the snag.  When he initiated arranging their flight bookings [as they were migrating[, the hubby's passport was expiring in less than 6 months.  Whew.  If only he Got All the Ducks in a Row First❗❗❗

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