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Friday, October 1, 2021

Run It Up the Flagpole

Run It Up the Flagpole

I'm sorry, this piece is not about the school environs where the flagpole has always been one of the normal sights to see.  But RUNNING IT UP THE FLAGPOLE means many things as translated in our life.  Because in life, that 'FLAGPOLE' translates to numerous success stories that only comes into fruition.  That 'FLAGPOLE' is the culmination of the successes that we achieve down the road.  The $64 question is how can we all reach that elusive flagpole ?  Let's then tackle how can we all really reach the FINISH LINE all the way to that flagpole.
To start with, that 'FLAGPOLE' is no phantom dream because the long road leading to the 'FLAGPOLE' starts at that very point when an IDEA pops up and obviously, the end-result of that IDEA is always the culmination when we're able to translate the IDEA to become a success story coming into fruition.  Too bad that road starting from the 'birth of that IDEA' till it comes into fruition is a long, arduous road where land mines are planted with various points booby trapped and ready to explode right into our face.  Translating that 'IDEA' means we got to grapple with some basic fundamentals.
How do we translate ideas into ACTION ?
  • RISKS should make you comfortable
  • STRETCH your PATIENCE to the farthest
  • CONNECT the DOTS along the way
To believe in yourself is a must-do.  No one else, not even your BFF and not even your partner can be as effective to believe in yourself than yourself.  Reduce your self-confidence, you will be reducing your chances of success.  That HELPLINE STRUCTURE, you would badly need that at some points when you need a lifeline to cling.  RISKS, you can't be averse to it because RISKS does kill our chances so instead, you gotta embrace RISKCONNECTING the DOTS, that's piecing things together.  
In summary, what should we DON'T do?
DON'T just dream, make it happen !
DON'T just talk, make your move !
DON'T just wait for time, create time !
DON'T just wait for luck.  Lock it for you
DON'T just think positive.  Act positive !
DON'T just be optimistic.  Spin it now !
In a nutshell, THROW AWAY all these DONT's❗❗❗

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