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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Bet BIG, Win BIG !

Bet BIG, Win BIG !

Bet BIG, Win BIG !  Ooops, before I get bashed by those crusading on a high moral ground, this piece is not about to encourage everyone to rush over to the casinos, NO Sir.  Instead, we'd like to paint an analogy of this statement 'Bet BIG, Win BIG' which often is being tagged to casinos and gambling.  But the reality, it is much more than that because our life is really like being inside the casino.
Life in itself is like a casino.  We come into it and start playing various games in the casino.  We loose some and win some.  When we loose, we end up unhappy but when we win, lo and behold, you would relish every moment of that win.  In a real casino, we may have limited money to play and hence are forced to quit when we run out of our resources.  However, in life's casino, our 'Creator' gives us UNLIMITED credit for wagering at the games.  So, most of us get addicted and go on playing without even wanting to quit.  And if there is a commonality between being in a casino and real life casino, it's that we always want to WIN BIG.  The difference is in our approach to WIN BIG.
It's understandable, though, that we can't always play with a full deck, even in real life because we're constrained with resources.  But the stark reality is that, as it is in the casino, in real life, when we bet is mager and within our means, the statistical probability is that even if you will win, you will win small.  Chances to WIN BIG has a very low probability.

At the end of the day, it's your choice, your decision whether you want to Bet SMALL that goes along with that quite a long shot for you to WIN BIG.  Whereas, if you want to increase your chances to WIN BIG, why not Bet BIG ?  Twenty years ago, I took that huge leap when I decided to Bet BIG. At that time, there were no budget airlines so I bought a return ticket SOLELY for a scheduled job interview in a Southeast Asian Country.
By taking that huge risk of spending US$500 for a return ticket with no guarantee that I'll get the nod for that job I applied for, a week after I flew back home, the HR manager emailed me that they were commencing to process my work visa.  And when I flew back to start work, my new employer was generous enough to extend me a US$5,000 relocation allowance. And not to mention the huge leap I was taking in my career, that will lead me to a hundred-fold increase of opportunities. It was then that I realized that I did Bet BIG and I did Win BIG.  Any takers ❓❓❓

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