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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Rainbow Comes After the Rain

Rainbow Comes After the Rain

Do we need to debate whethere there's ALWAYS RAINBOW AFTER THE RAIN ?  FACT CHECK:  yes this is true.  But nope, we're no meteorologists so we won't be discussing meteorology but instead, we'd like to do a mapping instead.  Mapping the rain to the challenges we face in life and mapping the rainbow to that hope we cling to, to recover from life's challenges.

So, this comes both as a reassurance and reawakening to us all that despite the gloominess of life when we are going through various challenges in life, let us not despair because that too shall end.  Be wisely cautioned, however, that things WON'T be served to you in a silver platter.  You need to eke it out and figure it out for you to extricate yourself from whatever challenges you may be facing.  I can attest on a first-person account basis that this is the most common mistake.  We always [wrongly] thought that all we need to do is bide your time because after all the travails, eventually, your woes will simply dissipate in thin air.

Oh yes, some of us would compare that rainbow to that light at the end of the tunnel.  And that's half-correct at most because in reality, that light at the end of the tunnel is that of an incoming train that will just fatally smash and crash you.  Lesson here ?  Let us NOT assume that the next rainbow and the next light at the end of the tunnel will fix your woes effortlessly.

Oh, I got captivated by this 'HOPE' poster because it coined things to read as 'HOLD ON, PAIN ENDS' which is spot on.  We gotta hold on, meaning, be persistent and unrelenting because problems do not last forever.  The unanswered question, however, how long will the problems in our life linger around like a leech ?  Hmmmm, only GOD knows.  I can bear witness to some people whose problems remain unresolved for a very long time.

Are we now saying that challenges will remain in our lives ?  Yesireeeee as long as you continue traversing the roads, you will always see a marker out there.  So, how do we handle all our challenges till the RAINBOX COMES AFTER THE RAIN ?  #1 - MAKE A PLAN.  #2 - KNOW YOU'RE NOT ALONE.  #3 - ASK FOR HELP.  #4 - ACCEPT SUPPORT.  #5 - HELP OTHERS.  #6 - REMAIN POSITIVE-MINDED ❗❗❗

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