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Sunday, October 3, 2021

LIVE LIFE, period

LIVE LIFE, period.

Irish poet Oscar Wilde couldn't have said it much stronger: 'TO LIVE IS THE RAREST THING IN THE WORLD.  MOST PEOPLE JUST EXIST'. Hmmmm, I couldn't agree more.  It's frustrating but as a first-hand account, I am very much aware of tons of people who should be hard hit by this quote from one of the most respected playwright from Ireland.

As this is a most ambitious let lofty goal, where do we start ?  Start with yourself PLEASE.  Find your passion.  Appreciate yourself.  Fine to be tough but at the end of the day, let's admit that most of us got more positives than negatives.  Only the chronic rotten eggs should be at the precipice of giving up not because they are not capable but because they just DON'T CARE, not even to themselves.  Unfortunately, many of those who DON'T CARE for themselves are not aware of it.

Besides appreciating our own selves, look around [NOT JUST lurk around] and appreciate everything around you, even the flowers and more so nature.  Hell, why are witnessing those unprecented floods NOT JUST in the Third World but even in New York and Singapore ? Simple answer to the puzzle.  Nature has become second fiddle to anything and everything.  Not until we realize the predicament of our planet will we shape up, if I may speculate.

Oh, what does LIFE ON YOUR OWN TERMS really mean ?  Too bad [and it's pitiful] that many of us tend to stretch this term [on a direction that leads them to the abyss].  To many of us, living life ON YOUR OWN TERMS is taken that you can plot any path even if that path will lead  you to nowhere.  Those VICES, booze and the like, a lot of people we know did get hostaged to it.  Question is, HOW ARE THEY NOW ? If I may speculate, at best, they have been stalled in that state of stupor.  At best, things haven't worsened [probably because they are financially secure] but the time they wasted, is a BIG WASTE, to be blunt about it.

Oh, I didn't scribble this as this is from noted American poet Diane Ackerman and this one-liner is a 'bagful' because if till now we are remiss in our life, this should hit us hard.  But for those safely on the bandwagon, this should be the motivation that should trigger us to kick our butts hard enough.  Gaps in relationships ?  FIX IT.  Lost credibility at work.  FIX IT.  Floundering business.  FIX IT.  Petty squabbles, rubbish them out, NOW ! Within the past year and a half of this pandemic, more people died more than at any time this century, with the mortality rate catching up that of the 1914 Spanish Flu.  Only by fixing all these will you be in the pole position to LIVE LIFE✅✅✅

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