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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Don't Break Your Neck

Don't Break Your Neck

How often DO YOU BREAK YOUR NECK ? In our life, once you go over the huge expanse of the ocean, shark-infested waters are all over the place.  Having said this, we [including myself in the past] were always very vocal that we should be fearless when taking risks in life.  Born with a primal urge to test ourselves, wave our limbs around to see what they can do, peer over the ledge to the great wide beyond.  

Imagine where humans would have stalled out where we not naturally inclined to risk; if not for that first idiot baby who decided to stand up on two legs, we'd be scaly-bellied slug people still slithering safely along the ground.  Indeed, a life without risk is a strange thing to contemplate, in part because the risk-taker is such a culturally romantic figure.  it is this duality that makes risk so compelling and so necessary as risks can be a coiling on ourselves as much as it is a reaching out as we get to know ourselves AS LONG AS WE DON'T BREAK OUR NECK.  

Risk-taking is understood as an experience we value because of the positive experience of seeking a challenge and successfully mastering the challenge.  In contrast, risk taking as a means to an end is driven by a particular purpose.  The purpose can vary quite a bit and might be complex, reaching from aiming for material gain to developing a valued identity.  
At the end of the day, the recurring question staring in our face is how far and how often should we be taking risks in life ?  Hmmmm, a good decision comes from knowing yourself well.  When you KNOW YOUR LIMITS, then you DON'T NEED TO BREAK YOUR NECK. Sometimes, it's good to take a risk when it pushes you outside of your comfort zone and helps you achieve a healthy goal.  At other times, taking risks can have serious negative consequences on our health, on our relationships or even our business.  
Not to stomp our foot down for us to take risks, risks are fine per se but please put a cap to it.  KNOW YOUR LIMITS.  If the risk is too high and the probability of success is next to impossible, WHY BREAK YOUR NECK ?  The end does not justify the means but if you will make an override to this rule, better be cocksure that you won't BREAK YOUR NECK regardless of the plum down the road✅✅✅

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