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Saturday, October 16, 2021

Breaking Barriers

Breaking Barriers

Failures, what leads us to failures ?  Barriers.  Hurdles,  Obstructions.  Roadblocks.  Call it by any name, they are all barriers.  So, BARRIERS are the very culprits that cause us to hit a snag until we stumble, until we fail.  This does explain why most of us really detest barriers.  Where we can avoid it, we will do what it takes.  We would rather ditch it, thinking [wrongly] that that's the best way out of it.

Back in school, when we stereo-type a professor as a 'terror', we will likely avoid that professor.  At work, where we had a choice of reports to work on, we will pick up the least difficult ones.  In business, we will strategize for the easiest way out to boost our revenues.  In our relationships where we have our shortfalls and lapses, rather than make amends to repair things that get strained, the easiest way out is we will get a token gift, hoping that fixes the strain.
But rather than avoiding those barriers, won't we be better off if we were focused towards BREAKING BARRIERS instead of avoiding it ?  There's a quid pro quo though.  BREAKING BARRIERS will need a ton of effort + sacrifice and not to mention that persistent and unrelenting focus to really go for broke in BREAKING BARRIERS.

The question we're staring now is HOW do we end up BREAKING BARRIERS ?

  • REMOVE your fear of failure.
  • DO what you are afraid to do.
  • Turn your doubt into MOTIVATION.
  • PULSE CHECK as to where are you.
  • Detach EMOTIONS in what you do.
  • ASSESS the barrier holistically.
  • NEVER stop.  NEVER give up.
  • REWARD yourself when you succeed. 
The biggest question is how can you push yourself to be BREAKING BARRIERS ? Simple.  Think of the goals you have set to achieve.  Have your goals embedded.  And everyday, remind yourself that you're starting off the day to move inches towards your goal and you won't stop BREAKING BARRIERS ✅✅✅

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