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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Watch Like a HAWK

Watch Like a HAWK

Hawks may not be one of those ordinary species we see around anytime but why are they much revered to the extent we often here sage advices that we better 'WATCH LIKE A HAWK'.  Not to misread our intentions though because we're not inciting folks to live their life like the birds of prey in hawks.  Instead, it is their stinging and cutting edge eye for detail which we want to replicate across us.  From 100 feet up, they can nosedive in a 120 mph speed to simply catch their prey.

What's the fuss then with binocular vision ?  It is because this gives that visual focus on an object with the pair of eyes creating a single visual image.  Without that binocular vision, we will experience that distortion in depth perception.  And that's where we envy the hawk because they have this capability that even exceeds what we humans are capable of.
Much as we want to match the hawk's visual capabilities, translating that capability in real life becomes much more daunting because in life, to 'WATCH LIKE A HAWK' needs to be translated from various dimensions in our life.  The expectation is that we just don't see things literally but having that innate ability to visualize something that does not literally show up is what we need most in our life.

And that exactly what we want to instill within us, LOOKING BEYOND OBVIOUS, seeing things from vantage points with multifarious dimensions.  Unfortunately in life, we do have numerous misses [and I can attest that I myself, I had numerous misses in life from way back].  And what does it cost us when we have those misses ?

Quite often, we miss things that are already staring right in our face.  Remember when in a frayed relationship, one of the parties was subtly reaching out but we missed that ?  Or in business, our revenues were about to spike if only we ramped up our raw materials ? Or at work, we would have gone up the corporate ladder had we read that cue ?  So, it's never late for us to 'WATCH LIKE A HAWH' because as the cliche goes, OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS ONLY ONCE.  This can never be farther from the truth❗❗❗

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