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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Sliver of a Clue

Sliver of a Clue

All things equal, the world we live in is never an open book.  Even for a worker in the operations floor where processes are automated via robotics and its technologies, to execute processes, you still need to reference the operations RUN BOOK whether digitally or otherwise.  But the biggest challenge in life are not the documentations but rather things that are UNDOCUMENTED.

Oh, this bland poster hit my nerves stating that incognito is a fabric of life.  Well said, very true indeed and I couldn't agree more. With so many things in life not visible on the surface, it behooves that we need to exert tons of effort in unearthing anything and everything that remains as such.  Why ?  Because missing links do matter.  Because the unknowns do matter.  Because those unseen variables are often crucial pieces of an equation.  Let's paint real-life scenarios.  A couple enduring a strained relationship may not be on 'talking terms' for quite sometime until one day, the spouse started preparing the hubby's meal on the table.  That is a 'SLIVER of a CLUE

If you're a newbie either in school or at work, you're totally blind of everything around you.  Not until either a colleague or a schoolmate reaches out to you via a 'SLIVER of a CLUE' that opens up as an opportunity for you to ease up your transition as a newbie.  How that 'SLIVER of a CLUE' surfaces, it is for you to figure things out.

If there's we should never miss out, it is that  'SLIVER of a CLUE' that will remain as such. Where you're facing a floundering relationship, you gotta ACT fast, MOVE fast especially when you do see that 'SLIVER of a CLUE'.  Frankly though, be forewarned that the way you dissect a 'SLIVER of a CLUE' may be off-track [and that's fine because you may end up with a misreading 50% of the time]. BUT that still puts you in good shape because looking at that glass of water as half-full instead of half-empty, it means that 50% of the time you were able to grab those opportunities and leverage on it.  

Hey, even in the technology space, Google does not want to be left out so they also introduced running Google in INCOGNITO mode.  Which is ironical because conventional wisdom dictates that technology should lay on the platter as much data and information as possible.  But hey, we will always go back to that 'SLIVER of a CLUE' where we need to figure things out, especially if those are opportunities to rekindle a relationship, repair a strained interaction, those intangible which will MAKE or BREAK you all because either you did catch or miss on a 'SLIVER of a CLUE'✅✅✅

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