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Friday, September 24, 2021

Once You Fall Off the Wagon

Once You Fall Off the Wagon

In life, we trek and traverse thousands and thousands of miles, careful not to just fall off along the way but again, it happens, one day we will fall off.  But in real life, that is least surprising, right ?  Because, such is life, we rise and fall.  So, what's the fuzz then why this is becomes the subject of our piece today ?  It's not because it does happen but it's more because how it really impacts our life when we fall off the wagon.

Ouch, yes it's true, when we fall off the wagon, it's not painless.  In fact, it's not just an 'ouch' thing but instead, it impacts us from various perspective in our life:

  • 'coz we lose the momentum by then
  • 'coz that setback impacts our plan
  • 'coz sometimes we're back to square1
  • 'coz it causes confusion to our plan
  • 'coz at times it affects our motivation
  • 'coz often it demoralizes us in our plan
  • 'coz we treat falling down as a failure
Now, let me play devil's advocate here.  While where possible, no one wants to fall off the wagon, when it does, accept it because there's an upside to it.  FALLING OFF awakens us.  FALLING OFF alerts us.  FALLING OFF gives us the chance to rectify things way ahead before a problem is beyond fixing.  In fact, FALLING OFF strengthens our resolve to move forward.

If at all, if there's anything that should not be impacted when you fall off from your wagon, it is your CONFIDENCE.  That can't be crushed.  It should not crumble at all because that's part of your very CORE.  Warriors and fighters would always in constant search of the opponent's chink in his armor and more often, they are looking where to locate the very CORE of one's CONFIDENCE.

Instead, pick up the pieces fast and quick.  You can't stay slumbering there because you would be raising against time.  Remember the tons of effort and sacrifices you have poured out and you don't want it all to end up as utter wastage if you just don't get back to your feet. Pronto dude❗❗❗

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