DON'T Be A Dinosaur [because it may mean you're 'EXTINCT']
Not literally but not too long ago, 'dinosaurs' [and probably 'monsters' too] were very much part and parcel of the daily setting. Remember our early school days when we were so scared with a bespectacled fierce-looking teacher who, during classes, was fiercer than her looks ? Remember the school Prefect of Discipline who was the most dreaded person in school simply by his title ?
The thing is, nowadays, dinosaurs DON'T look like dinosaurs anymore. They can be those sweet-looking fellas, that approachable classmate, that amiable work colleague, that easy-to-deal with business associate or it could be ourselves not to our awareness though. Yes, while most of the time people are conscious once they start to wear the hat of a monster, there are times when we are so immersed in a situation to the extent that we're not aware that we're acting and/or manifesting behaviors that may be akin to a dinosaur's.Think about it, even in a worst case scenario, people don't really turn into a 'dinosaur' overnight. Even evolving from good to bad to worse etcetera really takes time and that takes years and sometimes a decade or two. So what's our antidote so that we don't wake up one day and get shocked that things went 'down south' as we evolved ? Take a one-minute break and face the mirror and run a quick pulse check of yourself. And if you find yourself with that semblance of a 'monster', it's never late to rectify things. Better late than never, as the cliche goes.
Oh yes, a common casualty in this detestable 'monster' syndrome are our relationships with our loved ones, our partners/spouse, our kids and it even stretches down to our relationships with our relatives and friends. Ooops, I am NOT alluding that many of us do eventually turn up as 'monsters' causing relationships to weaken or even crumble. Fact is, feelings change so what do we do? Take that CONSCIOUS + CONSTANT effort to always reinforce your relationships.
But the most mind-boggling question is that why is it in life, when things are nice and dandy, why do things GO SOUTH ? But do note that the plurality of things still show us that "IT'S ALL QUITE IN THE WESTERN FRONT", which is music to our ears. All these really boil down for us to get this deeply embedded within us, that indeed "THERE's ALWAYS ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT". BTW, not as a threat but if you don't have the buy-in for this mindset, I worry for you if things may go sour, things may GO SOUTH. Again, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.✅✅✅
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