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Friday, September 10, 2021

The BEST THING Out of this Pandemic

 The BEST THING Out of this Pandemic

Of all threads and topics, I'm sure that the pandemic as a thread has flooded across our global community BUT here's the BUT.  I still want to bat for pandemic as a thread at least for this thread because despite all the destruction and defacement we all have endured for about a year and a half now.  With too much negative impact to our lives, we cannot deny how much this pandemic has wrought havoc on us.

Instead, not to blame each of us as we've been through the worse yet, we're not sure if the worst is yet to come.  But as we are as helpless as we can be, it just makes sense we look around and ask ourselves what is the BEST THING OUT of this pandemic ?  And without sugar-coating, I'd like to harp on that BEST THING OUT of this pandemic.  And to magnify things, where it not for this pandemic, we would not have benefited and experienced this BEST THING OUT.

Now, I'll let it out of the bag and let you know what is that BEST THING OUT of this pandemic.  And this is supported by a global study which has confirmed that these months of uncertainty gave us the huge opportunity to SAVOR & APPRECIATE the small things in life which in the past were not recognizable at all.  Those mugs of coffee, we used to gulp it fast before but this pandemic, its a different story.

As UNCERTAINTY is stressful and perhaps even harmful to our health, researches suggest that it could drive us to cling to our social groups to the exclusion of others.  But a most recent study has uncovered a surprising UPSIDE to feeiing UNCERTAIN:  it might drive us to appreciate the little things n life.  In one experiment, researchers stationed on a sidewalk handed out flyers that said one of two things:  
"LIFE IS UNPREDICTABLE:  STOP and SMELL THE ROSES" or "LIFE is CONSTANT:  STOP and SMELL THE ROSES".  A short distance away was a table with a dozen red roses on it and a sign matching the flyer they've just received.  The research assistants then hid behind the bushes to see who stopped and who didn't - and it was the people who read that LIFE is UNPREDICTABLE who buried their noses in those fragrant flowers. two times more often than the others.  
Why ?  Savoring and appreciating the small things in life may be a coping response that our minds activate when we feel overwhelmed by the ambiguity of it all.  Savoring pulls us out of fears and worries about a fuzzy future and into the clear, pleasurable sensations right now.  So, let us all bring out the BEST THING OUT of this pandemic.⌛⌛⌛

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