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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Going Off The Charts

Going Off The Charts

Being 'OFF THE CHARTS' can be either good tidings or good riddance, depending on which side of the fence you are now seated on but generally, when we claim that we're 'OFF THE CHARTS', it usually means good tidings because you are on the path to achieve unprecedented results that would likely surpass and exceed your pre-set goals by going 'OFF THE CHARTS'.
But if going 'OFF THE CHARTS' pertains to your health, it would be the last news we want to hear, when your health goes down on a tailspin.  But even then, our state of health doesn't take a 180-degree turn from good to bad simply overnight.  Be conscious of manifestations and behavioral symptoms that may be creeping and threatening your state of health.  I did witness in the past when a person who used to be in the pink of health through the decade suddenly gets warded in the hospital for a serious illness.  Simply put, DON'T IGNORE the slightest manifestations.
A subtle threat in our life which shouldn't go 'OFF THE CHARTS' as well is our stress level.  Probably, you're driving and stuck in a traffic gridlock [that was prior to this pandemic], late for a client meeting, watching the minutes tick away.  Your hypothalamus, a 'tiny control tower' in your brain, decides to send out the order: 'SEND IN THE STRESS HORMONES'.  Those stress hormones are the same ones that trigger your body's 'FIGHT or FLIGHT' response.  So, do check out your stress levels.

Now, let's be positive inside-out.  In school, let's aim for the A+ final marks.  At work, let's be the top performer.  In business, let's see your revenues gallop for the coming years.  And in your personal relationships, let's ensure that our relationship with our partner/spouse be at the maximum optimal level of robustness no less.  If conflicts may arise within the family circles, as long as you're on the right path, stick it out with your partner/spouse, get glued and stand by each other come hell or high water.

Whichever side you are in now, that PAYBACK TIME should always be our bottom-line.  Reaching our FINISH LINE where we could savor the fruits of all frustrations and fears thrown in our way.  Who wants to succeed without realizing that it's PAYBACK TIME ?  A word of caution though.  When's the time for that PAYBACK TIME ?  It is very much dependent on how hard you grind in life.  Grind less and it could take you forever.⏳⏳⏳ 

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