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Monday, June 28, 2021

Why You're MORE SUCCESSFUL Than You Think

 Why You're MORE SUCCESSFUL Than You Think

This perplexes me.  Why are we so damn tough on ourselves ?  Why are our criteria for success sometimes run parallel to those of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg ?  But these guys are outliers so why should we align our success criteria with them ?  Isn't it just too inequitable, too unfair and simply incomprehensible to accept, if at all.

Sure we wanna raise the bar and that's just fine.  But when we set it way too high, that's just preposterous at the very least.  You could be a local entrepreneur who had his strides of small successes to date and out of nowhere, you start dreaming of gargantuan projects that could compete with Elon Musk's SPACE X Project.  Or on a lower scale, you start dreaming to be the President of your country ?  Or being the controlling stakeholder of a conglomerate ?

Thing is, it's not bad to 'DREAM BIG' but after you're through with those fleeting moments, temper things to what is reasonable and realistic.  At the end of the day, we wanna be achievers of our successes and while healthy competition is good to kick our butts out, the bottomline is that we don't want to fantasize to the point of hallucinating things.

On the other hand, there could tell-tale signs that we are already achieving success even as we speak now WHEN:

  • You're more POSITIVE in life
  • You've bounced back from a SETBACK
  • You live life ON YOUR VERY OWN TERMS
  • You have a PLAN, a concrete one at that
  • You feel BLESSED with all the BLESSINGS
  • You know well your STRENGTH & WEAKNESSES
    You could be making mistakes here and there, sometimes guilty of those fumbling acts BUT hey, that's very much part of the game.  Who says that it will be a 'cakewalk' ?  Why is it many of us eventually FALTER and end up as FAILURES ?  It's simply because we never recognized that we were successful enough.  It's because we were so DAMN HARSH on ourselves.  It's because we were too exacting, cracking the whip on us.  So c'mon, let's celebrate even those small successes because those are the catalysts we need down the road.

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