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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Got Your Compass in Life ?

Got Your Compass in Life ?

Life was always perceived to be standalone.  THAT you DON'T need anything else except life itself ?  THAT all you need is to stand on your own feet and you're spot on ?  THAT once you did hit a few initial successes. you can now cruise in 'auto pilot' ?  No sirs, on all fronts you got it all wrong.  You could have hit your stride right after you graduated from school but leaving your school's portals is just the very 'tip of the iceberg'.

And if there's something indispensable in life, that's your 'COMPASS in LIFE'.  The compass is akin to the orchestra conductor.  It gives the direction that leads to euphony and synchronized cadence in life.  Without the compass, yes your boat is still afloat in the Pacific but being afloat doesn't mean anything because being afloat may mean that your boat is simply adrift.  And when your life is adrift, you won't have the slightest clue of your direction.

The most disconcerting truth is that many of us would vehemently disagree that our life has no compass, that our life has no direction.  And that's when our real problem really creeps in.  And that's at the very core of our problems, when we even refuse to confirm that our life is rudder-less.  Yet, it is what it is when our life is going nowhere.

Surely, you're itching to confront me:  HOW CAN WE KNOW THAT OUR LIFE HAS NO COMPASS, NO DIRECTION ?  There are numerous manifestations that are symptomatic of that problem.  When you become indecisive to make decisions.  When you keep flipping your decisions.  When you are just so stoic and stubborn to admit that your life is going nowhere.

If we live with a compass, a direction in life, we can get anything we want in life but the bigger question is that why, more often, we DON'T get what we want ?  It's all because of FEAR, of SELF-DOUBT.  And that short narrative tells us why we can't do something.  So, what's next ?  Let's get to the ground and figure things out.  Bluntly, in what ways are you kidnapping yourself from the life you really want ?  Take a U-turn then by:

  • DO a SELF-AUDIT.  What's working for you. What's not?
  • FOLLOW YOUR FREEDOM - Go for perfection no less.
  • ENGAGE - Take action.  Connect to your truth, your purpose.

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