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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Remember You Never Left

Remember You Never Left

In our toughest times in our life, how many times we felt giving up and just leaving everything behind ?  When you were teetering to just give up, when it was like the last straw that hit the camel's back, what made you decide to hang on ?

Indeed, those are the toughest times in our lives, when the easiest way out was to give up BUT, here's the BUT.  Did we realize all the efforts we have exerted to date ?  Did we remember all the hardships we had to go through ?  And how about those successive pains, frustr4ations and failure ?  And when we wanted to give up, did we remember our loved homes with whom we have committed our lives regardless as to what happens next to us.

But rather struggle on that misguided fear of going back, remember you can't be back if in the first place, you never left, right ?  That's the upside of not giving up.  Otherwise, going back is the worst thing we all dread.  Remember walking away ?  Because turning back becomes difficult.  Remember raising the white flag ?  And when you wanted to turnaround, it was tough.

And what's the biggest upside of not giving up and not leaving things behind ?  You would realize that you have enough time left, time unspent, enough reservoir of hope to cling on as you continue on your journey.  One of the most difficult and gruelling pains in life is picking up the pieces by starting [ALL OVER AGAIN] from square one, simply because you have given up too soon.  More often, misguided decisions [to GIVE UP] were made emotionally rather than giving it the thought process to decide in a logical or pragmatic manner.  Or worse, when 'whisperers' around you did influence you to reach those ill-advised decisions when you were at the lowest point in your life.
When you're struggling at your lowest point, ask yourself:  ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO DATE ?  IS THIS WHAT YOU REALLY WANT ?  OR DO YOU WANT THINGS TO BE BETTER THAN THIS ?  Or, are you just allowing yourself to get off the hook just like that ?  As this poster goes, PLACE YOUR HAND OVER YOUR HEART and once you feel it, that's called PURPOSE.  And that you're alive for a reason. JUST DON'T GIVE UP.✅✅✅

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