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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Enjoy the Sun While it Lasts

Enjoy the Sun While it Lasts

The cliche 'Enjoy the Sun While it Lasts' is much older than our ancestors.  It could even be as old as that Loch Ness monster, that fabled part of Scottish folklore.  And while 'Enjoy the Sun While it Lasts' could be construed for various things, one thing is certain in life and that is, "LET'S KEEP THAT STREAK [and even STRETCH it] AS FAR AS POSSIBLE."  It could be confluence of events, a combination of multifarious factors in life, e.g. expertise, top-notch productivity, sheer luck or you simply have that MIDAS TOUCH in you such that you can even 'TURN GARBAGE INTO GOLD'.  When we've been down for so long, battered and bruised, all we hope and pray is for a breakthrough. And when we finally 'HIT THAT BREAKTHROUGH', the least we should do is not to lose that momentum, we gotta keep it going.

When the sun shines, we all should sieze those moments when all the stars seem to be aligned, when nothing just goes wrong, when everything runs in our favor.  Those are the 'WINNING STREAKS' we hear from success stories and the question is, why do those success stories trumphet their 'WINNING STREAKS' ?  It's because they know what it takes to keep and sustain that momentum.
Problem is, I've seen people who, after achieving one small success, they start to bask under that solitary success and what happens next ?  Kampai's left and right.  Celebrations till the wee hours of the morning.  We have seen frenzied celebrations arising from a paltry and solitary success.  So do we know now why 'WINNING STREAKS' hardly come in our daily lives.  We just gotta stop those premature celebrations.
Even the ostrich and the ducks, they do enjoy the sun while it lasts but everything is done in a modest way, not to the extent of that penchant for frivolous celebrations.  In short, let us not bask on the laurels of a one-off success.  Let us not be casual with our dreams else we will end up a casualty.  Instead, "CAN YOU JUST BETTER YOUR BEST ? "  In Steven Kotler's 'ALTERED STATE', he says that we tend to live in SINGLE FREQUENCIES unaware that our minds can live in multiple frequencies.  
Our dilemma is, we tend to forget that one day, it becomes a rainy day and we need to shield ourselves from the rain.  Let's make hay while the sun is shining because when rainy days come, we become defensive in most of our activities, with the pressures dictating and shaping up our decisions which sometimes are ill-advised ones.
In brief, once we are on top of things, let us endeavor NOT TO BREAK THE CHAIN.  We don't want to lose that momentum of winning, of being on top of things. Let's ENJOY THE SUN WHILE IT LASTS.✅✅✅

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