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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

That 'SPARK' We Need

That 'SPARK' We Need

WHO and WHAT needs a SPARK ?  Easy answer.  EVERYONE and EVERYTHING does.  Machines need it for it to start.  Vehicles need that ignition before it goes. Even horses get whipped before they do gallop.  And when we get hit with a power outage, generators need to be ignited for it to start off.  How about us humans ?
Even the handicapped do need that SPARK before they continue moving around in their life.  So, obviously, everyone of us can't deny that we need that SPARK to serve to well.  When our energy level is going down, when our morale is getting shot at [instead of being boosted], when our motivational level seems to go down on a tailspin, we need to figure it out when and how do we get that SPARK because we gotta turn things around rather quickly.
That match stick speaks volumes because it tells us that, where possible, we should avoid a 'burnout' because that's akin to ending up with a totally emptied fuel tank.  Just a quick analogy.  When a car's engine snaps out in the middle of the road, when a boat's motor suddenly fizzles out in the middle of the ocean, isn't that a prelude to something fatal, wherein there's no way to restart the engine ?
Stephen Covey, the noted American educator who was most famous for his highly successful book '7 Habits of Highly Effective People', summed things up: "MOTIVATION IS A FIRE FROM WITHIN.  IF SOMEONE ELSE TRIES TO LIGHT THAT FIRE UNDER YOU, CHANCES ARE, IT WILL BURN VERY BRIEFLY".  What he's telling us is that, that SPARK should emanate from us, from deep within us and not even from an alter ego because it's only us who can kick our butts hard enough to go on.
Simply put, let's go after the things we want.  While some people see the things they want, some people see the thing that prevents him to get that thing he wants.  Word of advice from Jack Ma: "WORK HARD TO PROVE YOURSELF".  The difference between successful people and us is that they never complained and they always went the Xtra mile to solve the problems of others.  That self-driven SPARK leads them to their self-fulfillments that in the end, ensure that that SPARK never fizzles out in life.✅✅✅

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