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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Never Burn Bridges

Never Burn Bridges

That path in our life, land mines are planted all over the place, leaving you very little room left to wiggle out.  Arguments, disagreements, duels, skirmishes, tiff and really bloody fights are all part of our life stories.  And expectedly, we would end up bruised, scarred and even injured, sometimes, when the stars don't align, things could have a fatal end. But if there is a basic NO-NO, NEVER BURN BRIDGES.

Work environments are a very learning experience.  Decades back, you can spew fire at your ex-boss out of sheer frustration exacerbated by emotions.  And you just won't give a damn because you were almost cocksure that you have seen the last shadow of your ex-boss.  Fast forward in today's  connected and digitized world, gone were those silos, those trenches.  

You would never know really.  In your next job hop, were filling up an online form unaware that your ex-boss is in that organization.  Or, you may have finally hurdled all interviews and all that's waiting for you to sign the job offer on the dotted line is a required reference check with your ex-boss, and that's all.  But WHAT IF you burned your bridges ?  Where does that leave you ?  Probably in a deep deep trench you just can't extricate because by that time, much as you want to mend fences with your ex-boss, how can you have the temerity to reach out when that rickety bridge is all in tatters and just beyond repair.

This poster says it all.  If there's anything you got to protect every step of the way is your integrity.  There could be huge gaps and disconnects with your previous bosses but both of you can agree to disagree, that's all [and nothing more than that].  Things can still end up amicably, civilly.  And that runs true even to your friendships.  God knows, a decade or two later, you would need to leverage on a helpline where your former bff is at the other end.  I've witnessed these scenarios quite a few times wherein a decade later, your friend from way back is already a successful litigation lawyer and you're in a legal tussle  where he's the realistic option in your community.  

You and I may easily give a cold shoulder those people now pulling the strings, those straddling the corridors of power.  But they should never be looked beyond their shoulders because you'll never know that you need to initiate a courtesy call to a friend way back in school simply because you need HELP.  And when we need HELP, remember we would even cling to the sharp edges of the sword simply because we needed HELP.  So please, NEVER BURN BRIDGES.📌📌📌

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