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Friday, June 11, 2021

Of Headwinds and Tailwinds

 Of Headwinds and Tailwinds

Yesirrrrrs, it's worth talking about HEADWINDS and TAILWINDS, and not leaving this topic as a monopoly for aircraft pilots because we ourselves are pilots of our lives as well.  We need to be piloting our life from takeoff till touchdown and obviously, we are never in control of life's TAKEOFF & TOUCHDOWN but we can control the HEADWINDS and TAILWINDS in life.

As it is, not all HEADWINDS cause difficulties in our life but for a plurality, it does become a challenge.  More often, the same HEADWINDS may become favorable to one but unfavorable to the next guy and it's NOT the HEADWINDS that matter but rather it's how we handle it.  It's how we come up with the effective countermeasure, that antidote that will turnaround a tight situation.  Heard of 'going with the flow' ?  Exactly, that's the trick of the smart survivors. 

The thing is, never go against an immovable force because you will get knocked off.  More often, you gotta assess the strengths of the HEADWINDs before you decide if you would gonna go against its direction.  Allow yourself to consider the expanse where you exist at that very moment.  All these would depend on how you conceive the limits of your being.  Where you need to fix things, just go and fix it.

Do fix the things, those irritants that keep recurring over and over again even if people just shun it off because they take it as trivial.  And somehow, things you do everyday may seem trivial as it comprises 50% of what you need to do for a given day but remember, those are NOT mundane at all.  

In fact and in truth, the things you do everyday are the most important things to do.  A 100% adjustment to your being means there is a lot less rubbish around you and fewer traps for you to step into.  In the midst of all the turmoils in life, what is best for you may not have been asked at all, so what comes next will be like random snakes because they DON'T know where they were [probably because they DIDN'T look or DIDN'T know they should look.  Too bad, IGNORANCE and WILLFUL BLINDNESS have been always tagged as great catastrophe so people ended up never figuring it out where to go or why.

Regardless of HEADWINDS and TAILWINDS, all we yearn in life is to be like the cool and placid waters in the lake, waters so calm, gentle, mild, serene and tranquil enough for you to hear ripples in the water, if any.  Bottomline is, let us not leave our fate to HEADWINDS and TAILWINDS.  Instead, we gotta be in the controls, navigating through the air turbulence till our life gets back to its stable state at its cruising speed.  C'mon guys, let's control our life INSTEAD of life controlling us.✅✅✅

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