When was your GREATEST COMEBACK in your life? Surely you had a handful at the very least. Yes, I had tons of it and I would always leverage on my GREATEST COMEBACKS. You might wonder, WHAT makes me leverage on those GREATEST COMEBACKS WHEN many would claim that the PAST IS PAST? Yes dude, for very insightful reasons, from time to time, we need to go back down memory lane and leverage on our GREATEST COMEBACKS? BUT you might challenge me that by then, the luster is gone. BUT hey, if you got knocked down in your life [WHETHER it's about your job, your health, your finances OR your relationships with your loved ones], WON'T you agree that that luster will continue to shine for the longest time☝☝☝
SO HOW? Let's leverage on those COMEBACKS as our inspiration IF and WHEN we get knocked down again. We never know, right, IF and WHEN lightning will hit us again [as I DON'T buy WHAT they claim that lightning strikes once only]. Here's the thing. Success AIN'T about avoiding another fall. Success is about getting back up after life takes the best [or the worst] out of us. YES very true, sometimes life will hit us hard BIG TIME and lead you to question everything about life💥💥💥
And based on the bruises and multiple knockdowns I had to endure in the past, trust me, WHEN you get hit hard, sometimes you end up questioning everything you thought you knew about yourself. And YES, it's irrelevant as to how much monies [OR wealth] you've got OR WHAT car you drive OR HOW good-looking you are WHEN wearing a suit. Life's gonna humble you BUT those KNOCKDOWNS are necessary❗❗❗
YES please, DON'T whack me for bluntly stating that those knockdowns are necessary. WHO can claim that your resilience and fortitude got reinforced WHEN you had those multiple streaks of successes? NO sirrrrrrrrs. You can count all your successes in life BUT you pick up lessons from those KNOCKDOWNS, period. Very true, I got stories for days about being down and out. And those times shaped me, prepared me for more ordeals to come [NOT to scare, sometimes, you can get hit with a streak of KNOCKDOWNS too, whew] and I have to admit, the pain you'll go through may seem unprecedented❌❌❌
Oh Oh, I love this poster. I CAN'T agree less. Because the GREATEST COMEBACKS in life will likely NOT pertain to cars or material things BUT simply being HAPPY, period. You can have all the material things in life BUT if you're NOT HAPPY, that's it, that's the worst KNOCKDOWN we can have in our life. WHY? Because material things CAN'T buy us that genuine, enduring and lasting HAPPINESS in life. Living life and breathing life with a deep exhilaration of thankfulness and gratefulness because we walk up again to another bright day ahead. YES dude, we do live on borrowed time. WHO thought that so suddenly, the life of famous Taiwanese celebrity Barbie Hsu will be snapped [even WHEN she was in the midst of her Japan holidays?] YES PLEASE, let us NOT forget those GREATEST COMEBACKs in our life because at the end of the day, we are the ultimate beneficiary💚💛💜
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