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Friday, February 28, 2025

Life Is What We Make It

 Life Is What We Make It

As we grow older [and more mature], let's face it, life will only get HARDER.  Please DON'T get me wrong, I'm NOT trying to unduly raise alarms.  BUT once we accept that reality, we can embark in our journey with an open mind.  And deep inside me, I always believed that having a POSITIVE outlook on life will help us to get through many hard times.  I've witnessed families WHO lost their loved ones in a tragic way.  I did witness people crying and let sorrow fill their lives BUT at the end of the day, we always need to maintain an optimistic attitude in life WHILE at the same time, we are cautioned NEVER to take anything so seriously because our  Life Is What We Make It.  The only thing that is permanent is the way we reactπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
LIKE WHEN we are going up a crowded stairs and we trip and fall right on our face, true it might seem embarrassing BUT can we just laugh it off?  it might seem to be a huge deal at the time BUT pouting about it will NOT make anything better at all.  Instead, we need to keep our head up and laugh it off.  I always remember that NONE of the little things are permanent OR define WHO I am.  The only thing that is permanent is the way we react to these situations❎❎❎
If at all, another reason we need to keep that cheerful attitude is because life is short.  Without sounding alarms,  we NEVER know WHEN our last moments on earth will be.  SHOULDN'T we all be seizing the opportunity to be happy?  Every old person I encounter tells me that teenage years are the best days of our life that we will remember for a long time.  And I DON'T believe that we should waste dwelling on the NEGATIVE.  Yes, we want to remember those days as bright, hopeful days and NOT stressful days.  YES, let's endeavor to remain as POSITIVE as possible throughout our life as I firmly believe that we need to remember our days as bright and hopeful onesπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§
Traversing our daily lives, if we limit our choices only to WHAT seems possible OR reasonable, there is a high probability that we will end up disconnecting ourselves from WHAT we truly want, and all that is left is compromise.  Without casting premature calls of judgements, our present life is the result of all the choices we have made up until this moment.  And we are the only one responsible for WHERE we are right now, for HOW our life looks, for HOW we get treated by those around usπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
Our takeaway:  Even WHEN it boils down to the quality of our life, if we want to change the quality of relationships we have, we have to start by taking responsibility for everything.  Indeed, for everything! And if we keep doing the same things over and over again, we will end up with the same results [TRUST ME on that!] .  And our life will LIKELY change the moment we decide that it's TIME TO CHANGE, it's as simple as that, all starting with a thought, an idea and based on that, actions will follow suit.  YES dude, LIFE IS WHAT WE MAKE IT!!!

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