Tough Times DON'T Last. Tough People DO.
At some points [and probably many times more for some] in our life, financial discouragement plagues all of us from time to time. So, IF you're discouraged by your situation today, there are some things you can do to counter those feelings and even ramifications arising from your situation. BUT over and above, the most important thing to consider is that Tough Times DON'T Last. Tough People DO. This may be an oft-quoted one-liner but this says a mouthful. One day your next-door neighbor came home with a brand new SUV and you end up overwhelmed with those feelings of desire and even envy. WHEREAS before you could buy a new car, times could have changed, things are 'different' now๐๐๐
BUT WHEN things change, please DON'T take it NEGATIVELY. Maybe things changed now because you DON'T make financial-related decisions impulsively [as in the past WHEN you even seem to live a life of a one-day millionaire]. By that time, the car you amortized is now fully paid and it meets your family's current needs. BUT still those feelings are bubbling up [unfortunately]. And just as soon as you recognize them, WHAT should we do? Start ERASING those destructive attitudes that seem to be creeping back [to life]. BUT HOW? Immediately and instantly replace those thoughts of your 'financial freedom' you're enjoying now. NOT paying those cut-throat bank interest rates. NOT getting tied to the atrocious insurance premiums rammed through your throat as a condition by your banker/creditor. In short, try to instantly replace NEGATIVITIES with POSITIVE ones๐ง๐ง๐ง
BUT here's the catch. NO one else can become your surrogate counsellor WHO can help you fight off those NEGATIVITIES. BUT regardless of the tough circumstances we face in life, the fact is there is always HOPE even in the worst situation. Over four years ago WHEN I started my personal blogsite, I never had the slightest intention of turning this into more or less a permanent venture [non-profit, BTW] nor did I realize that this will carry me this long and this far because honestly, I would give credit to the Covid-19 pandemic for triggering me to exploit to the hilt my blogging capabilities. BUT it does and here I am. Though, NOT without challenges. And certainly NOT without some levels of appreciation with me sometimes hitting the LOWs, and sometimes hitting the HIGHs. And a few times, I am squeezed between my passion for blogging versus those times when I need to go offline [for days] to go on a holiday๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ
Looking back, me thinks that perhaps it was that eternal optimism that has gotten me this far in the first place. And the prospect of eventual success worthy of the sacrifices made by pursuing writing like a pseudo full-time commitment and even entertaining the thoughts of pursuing my blogging and foregoing that uncontested security of a full time job. BUT the truth is, there are days WHEN I feel I am tested and challenged to 'stay the course' and NOT to 'jump ship'. BUT lest we forget, challenges do persist from time to time. BTW, challenges can't be stricken off permanently. So, WHAT we need to do is to develop that character to handle that success 'WAITING' to reward our perseverance down the road๐๐๐
Our takeaway: Truth is, one's character is never developed by those WHO are handed or born into success [ like those fortunate scions WHO were born with a silver spoon]. Instead, we need to develop that character to give us that needed depth and achieve a brighter perspective WHEN we do make it, because by then, we would have 'earned' that level of success we have hungered for so long. In a nutshell, just like the seasons that change and the clouds that give way to the sun, we must remember that so do our circumstances. NO challenge, regardless of HOW intense, is permanent. TOUGH TIMES DON'T LAST. TOUGH PEOPLE DO!!!
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